Chapter 20

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We paid in gold for a sacrificial to be made for us to enter warrodah, but we landed in the city of magic; we were in the marketplace, Agatha needed some potions for spells and this place seemed to have all sorts of stuff from the living and the dead. They sold animal bones, skin, flesh, and the smell was horrible,. My beast hated it here, and he was on the edge. I simply touched some glittering ornament. A tiny hand slapped, mine moving away from the object and looking at who slapped my hand, away, but it was sia looking at me with warning eyes. I ignored her and moved away from the object. Daniel and Lyra held hands showing off their love for each other. I too missed my mate and I couldn't say I wasn't a bit covets.

Clara and Sia seemed to be also shopping here buying what they required. Everyone seemed to know what they were looking, and I hoped this would go by quick as I was rushing to meet my mate. I miss her. I was unable to sense her here through our bond. A tattooed female which came to the counter, and she was watching me. My wolf wasn't please by how she watched us.
" Hey you.” Eric drew her attention away from me as she turned her attention to him “yea!" she looked at him, and he pointed to a black dirty looking piece on the counter”what is that?” she looked back at me furthermore, and I was getting irritated with her.

“That's a wolf's ear and it is pricey."we all turned to her as I snarled and growled at her,. My beast wanted to tear her up but Eric more pissed he pulled her by her hair and pinned her on the counter."what fucking game you're playing at?” She smiled.”sorry, I meant that's a dog's ear.”she knew what we are.

“Let leave here as we are done. Eric let go of her. “Agatha spoke, trying not draw too much attention to us. This was no time or place to get into trouble, our major objective was to find Eve. We all left the shop and headed out of the market,”I will open a portal to a small village. That's where Everlina is right now, and she's safe.” Agatha knew that, but why did she not tell us.”why tell us now when you could have eased our worries by telling us early of this?” Sia was upset about this, and she had every right to be, as for the past couple of days were really stressful.

“Yes I could have done that, but there are eyes and ears everywhere. Letting word out about me knowing where she could have implicated her safety.” Very well Agatha was smart. She withheld the information so that it would seem we did not know where she was when we knew to confuse the enemy. Some things remain as an uncertainty with her, and I still didn't trust her at all.

“I don't buy that bullshit you just sold us, but for now, I will be okay with you keeping that information, but if there's something else I will not forgive you.” Sia really had it bad for Agatha, and the two witches stared at each hard and angrily.” Your manners stink and if it's anything, I don't owe you shit." Agatha wasn't old at all heart.

"You two stop this , Agatha, open the portal.” I had to stop them as they wasted our time that we didn't have.
Agatha placed her hands on an old building wall. It looked like it was once been a church, but now it's empty and part of it broken down. She closed her eyes chanting some spell, the wall broke, and an entrance appeared in it and one by one we entered it. It transported us to a small town.

Once we entered the town, I felt my mate's presence in this place and my eyes searching for her, my heart beating fast, and my wolf jumping in joy. My eyes found Agatha who wasn't old but young with red hair. Was this her disguise or her true self? Everyone was confused about what the fuck just happened." I knew there was something off with you.” Sia spoke, looking at her, but she looked at us with a bit of shame before walking ahead.

“I was cursed okay, this is my home, so as long as am home, the curse wears off.” Everyone had a story to tell, and Agatha's one would be a long one.

“You must have messed with the wrong which to get such a curse.” Clara spoke, but Agatha would not tell that story as she said something under her breath and kept moving.

“How far until we get there.” Lyra asked as she looked exhausted.”we almost there.” I could feel the bond getting strong, which means we were almost there. I couldn't handle it anymore as I walked ahead of, everyone. I could smell her from here. Everlina came running. “Aaron” I stopped walking looking at her,. She was stunning, my beast roared inside excited. , I was hers and my beast cared for. he loved her truly. She came up to me, gazing into my eyes and her eyes full of excitement. I pulled her to me and kissed her. I wasn't concerned about the others at this moment it was just Eve and me.

“You really came" she hugged me and I hugged her back.

WITCHE'S BEAST *(needs editing )Where stories live. Discover now