Chapter One

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I've been running for days now my legs are starting to fail me, I can see my feet peeking out of my shoes for my shoes are terribly torn and i had been running for days. The colour of my feet has turned into an ugly dirty white tainted with pinkish bruises and the pain I can no longer feel because they are numb now.

Now you probably wondering why am running but the question you should be asking is what am running away from!

Well I'll let you know how it all began...

I am witch and a very powerful one at that but like everything in this world I have a weakness, that am really not sure what it is but it has something do with wolf blood. It was the day us witches had to go into the woods and pick herbs to make potions and spells that I realised wolves blood was my weakness, every witch has a different weakness.

Here I was in the middle of the no where, the moon shines bright up there,I had wore my beautiful black cloak. As I walked in the woods heard sound possibly of animals and it was really loud and i could of sworn it was some dogs attacking each other so I approached closer. The closer I approached I could hear clearly this roaring sound and howls, four gigantic animals. They look alot like dogs but dogs aren'that big, four of them attacking one, this fight never looked fair but who am i to judge and I knew from the minute I laid eyes on that gigantic dog that it would never see another full moon.

These animals were vicious, aggressive and totally wild. They didn't want to just kill but they were more into torture and play with their prey. They took big bites from their prey, the bites were big enough to cause severe pain but not actually kill their prey, I could've ran away from a fight like this because I couldn't stand a chance against four gigantic dogs evil enough to torture their own kind close enough to death or kill. At that thought

Their eyes glowed different colors to the moon's light representing each soul the beast carried beneath itself. My grandmother Arieyanda used to tell me stories of beasts who wore their skin in war to win as their skin was all the amor they needed. A man form in day and a beast by night their truth was hidden as they killed with mercilessly and that was a curse and only the darkest magic which was ancient was used to humans who killed many of our kind.Forming one with beast and man they were werewolves and my kind can never cross path with them as they lusted over our blood.

I would have gone by just fine if it wasn't for the crackling of twig that snap under my foot and just like that all five werewolves turned to me. Sure I had entered a party without an invitation, growls grew more aggressive. I jumped out of fear and. All four wolfs approached me, circling their new prey. Forgetting about their so not long ago fight.

"oh shit " it was interesting how all these wolfs were of a deepest darkest black colour and you couldn't tare them apart. I was busy trying to spot the difference when they suddenly attacked me. It happened so fast that when I tried to use my hands to blind them they were already tearing into my skin.

I tried to get them off but they over powered me. 'close your eyes and picture your blood with so much poison and repeat pethra derus pethra, remember to always say it while the enemy feast from your blood my daughter.' my mother's words played in my head.

"PETHRA DERUS PETHRA!!!"With my last breath I said it. I hoped it worked and i began to lose consciousness, as I was drifting away I smiled caused finally these mother fuckers would follow the same faith they brought my way. I could hear them howling in pain but far in my darkness, I knew my magic worked but I would pay a big price for using black magic if I lived ever again.

I could hear voices, two voices possibly a young girl and woman. " mother can i touch her only once?" at that I opened my eyes I came face to face with a young girl and woman like I had thought, both of them seem shocked and scared of me.
"Laura call your father!" said the lady whom I guess is mother of Laura and without a word she ran out of the room.
"w-h" my throat is so dry my voice won't come out, the lady looked at me her beautiful black hair falling on her face, her creamy fair skin glowing as though she is with child and her beauty was remarkable.
"you will not speak demon! " she said that with so much hate.

WITCHE'S BEAST *(needs editing )Where stories live. Discover now