Chapter 21

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I felt warmed in his arms but the fear of losing him ate at my soul; I knew Rodger could get his hand on the book of magic and if that happened he would kill me and Aaron would do everything to protect me which could get him killed. A war between the witches and werewolves had happened before, leading to this hate that lives today and to put an end to that, I had to find the book of magic and stop the devil himself from being born again.

I had to forge an alliance with an  untrustworthy Agatha; I did not know whose side she's on or who she truly was. This was bothering me as it felt like I was walking on a dark path and had to trust the darkness for light. Cibrian and Cynthia felt real, and their kindness was true. so was their parents, Gabriel and Annabelle, who were very welcoming to their home.

We were on a dangerous mission and if all failed we had doomed the people of all seven realms. We witches could travel through realms in spirits. I hadn't travelled through realms though, but I knew a witch who did, and it was my mother, of course.
We all stood as a symposium about the book of magic and Rodger was held.

“Annabelle you know the whereabout of the book, right?” Agatha questioned her sister, and they looked alike.” I know where it was last kept, but rumors say they moved it.” if they moved it that this might take forever as it could be anywhere.

“Those are just rumors. I had a vision two days ago." Agatha spoke about a vision, but with her vision, she never told the entire vision she withheld the most important parts to herself.

“Is it something that we should worry about?” Aaron felt the same as I did about Agatha and her visions. I looked at him, I could see the irritation on his face.

“Yes, its something about the journey. There are two pathways, one leads us to the, book, the other leads us to an endless journey. It was clear in my vision that one of you will betray us.” I only knew one person who was good at betrayal,. It was Agatha herself.

“Are you certain this one wasn't meant for you personally, as I hear you have a record of that sort of action.” Sia said to Agatha, who looked to I'm pleased with her.

“This is no time for jokes.” Agatha looked at Sia as she continued to speak." Annabelle tomorrow you must do the summoning spell.”

“But what are we going to summon here?” Agatha looked at me before she looked back at her sister. I felt like I needed to know more about her plan.

“Kalidah's book of magic. You know the location where it was last, with the. spell it will reveal itself to us.” That was easy, too easy to precisely.

“So we get the book here and Rodger will come to us as his searching for this book?” Aaron asked, That was the plan to get the book and also get Rodger.

“Yes," Agatha wasn't telling us everything.”once we get Rodger. What do you suppose we do with him?” Daniel asked, and the whole time he was next to his mate.

“I will kill him!” Aaron wanted him dead, and so did I.

“ You all must be tired. I have prepared you all bed, tomorrow we can see that the plan goes through. I believe what is fated to happen will."with that we headed to the rooms that were prepared for us.

I walked in with Aaron looking anxious about something and I wanted to ask him what was bothering him, but I felt I should let him tell me if he wanted to talk about it.

“I know I promised not to ask, but I cannot stop thinking about what happened between you and Rodger.” I knew it had to do with Rodger,. Maybe he deserves the truth about my past.” Rodger is my ex-lover a bad choice I made back then, and I live to regret it every day of my life.” he held his emotions in I couldn't feel anything and I knew he was mad with me. “ Why didn't you tell me about him ?” I was not honest with before, and I hurt him, that was clear.

“I was ashamed, and it scared me that you would reject, as I was already a witch with too much baggage.” He looked at me and I just fiddled with my hands, not sure how he felt right now.

“But you are my witch now.” I looked back up at him and his eyes dancing with love for and only for me, something I longed for in a man. He took my hands in his and kissed them before kissing my lips so hard. He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist while we kissed each other hungrily. Not only that, but he took off my top and brushed my nipples before sucking on it and sending shivers through my entire body, removed his t-shirt as I felt his muscles, kissing my neck. He was driving me crazy with lust. Furthermore, he laid med down on the bed, took off my tong, and he went down kissing my wet lady parts. I moaned as I ran my fingers through his hair. He got back up, looking into my eyes, and his lust met mine.

“Turn around Eve.” I did as instructed. He kissed the mate mark on my neck that sent the little jolts of electricity through my entire body before he entered. me thrusting he was colossal, and I felt sore and pleasure at the same time. He turned me around, and he was trusting hard in me. I screamed his name as I climax, and he held me, kissing me, and he too came.

“Don't you hide things from me” he said as he looked at me.” I won't.” I said breathlessly, the copulation was nothing I ever felt before as for Aaron was too hungry for me as he had me up again.

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