Chapter 31

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They say mother's love is supposed to be peaceful, but there was never a time I was in peace with her, she managed to hurt me and leave me with nothing but a thorn in my heart. If it was not for my grandmother, I don't know how life would have been for me and now this woman standing in front of me was nothing to me but a thorn in my heart. I could feel my eyes heating up with tears, she hated me as I reminded her of the man who ran away from her. She looked exactly the same as she was ten years ago, how was that even possible.

“what are you doing here?" she could not have possibly come here for me, as she did not care for me.

“Everlina I can't believe how grown you are.”she was changing the subject, Aaron could sense I was not comfortable, so he took my hand in his to calm me.

“the journey has been long, we need to rest, and can all talk later.”Aaron was making excuses so we can avoid her a bit, and I appreciated it. There were other witches here, and it was confusing to what they were actually doing, he and Alpha Gale allowed here why?

“No let her speak, why are you here mom?” I needed answers, and I was not going to act like she didn't abandon me all those years. She did not even give me the decency to know who my father was. She dropped her head in shame as one of the witches touched her shoulder, this was an old witch with pure white hair and oceans of blue eyes, she looked at me as if she could see right through me. Making look away from her.

“You are in no condition to stress yourself, please go and rest a bit. I will answer all your questions later.” I knew too well when I was being fooled maybe that worked back then but now it did not. Clara tried using a spell to calm me down, but hormones and emotions were a mixed and I could not calm down right now.

“might as not explain anything too and keep your distance.” I moved away and followed behind Aaron.

My mother looked hurt, but it was too late for her to play that role to me as I was soon to be mother too, and I would make sure to better than her.
“are you Alright?” Aaron asked me, and I was reliving my painful childhood.

“I will be.”I did not want to lie as he knew how I felt, he hugged me and held me like that for a moment before Mason calling something about a discussion with the alpha.

“Go am going to be okay." I assured him as he was hesitant to leave me like that, but he followed his brother and I rushed out to meet with Lyra, but instead I stumbled across Larissa. She stopped me. I was not desiring insults and if she was going to do that maybe some other time.
“Everlina I have been waiting to speak to you because I know last time you were here I never treated you in the best manner.” she fiddled with her hands and I did not want her to apologize. I understood that this was too shocking a wolf and a witch being mate.” what I want to say to if you can put it pass you and start afresh with I would be grateful.” I put my hand on her to stop her from fidgeting.

“I am willing to, and I am so grateful we are moving pass that.” she pulled me into a hug, and she smelt my hair and I guess it was a wolf thing as I always caught Aaron smelling me and rubbing his scent on me, but I was happy we were pass all that drama we had.

Clara and Sia came to me looking nervous, I knew what they were nervous about, and I knew too well this day was coming, but I was avoiding it as it scared me to think about it. I

“Larissa we are so sorry to intrude like this but could we steal Everlina for a moment?"she nodded as she moved from me."I'll be in the kitchen cooking, join me once done.” I agreed and she walked away. Lyra came to join us as we sat there, all feeling nervous.
“what's wrong?” I asked them, feeling a little uneasy about it.

“I think it's time.” Clara spoke and Lyra moved uncomfortably, trying hard not to convey her emotion here.

“Clara I ….” she stopped me from talking." we have to go, we don't belong here and you two do. It's time we take a new journey.” she spoke the words I had been praying she would never say.

“I need you here, and everyone has accepted us.” I pleaded, and I could not have them leave.” you have your pack now, and soon you will be Luna, please Lina, let us also move on.” Sia was right, I was keeping them from their true destiny.

“You remember that time back in Sodinah when your magic chose us as your paired to witches, the bond was created, and we were one.” Lyra spoke about a time back in our coven and our memories had me taking a step back, Clara held me straight.

“When Daniel marked me, I lost that bond between us and his took over me completely.”Lyra was telling them the truth, but they had already known as my magic harmed Clara, which meant we were no longer paired.

“The bond may have been broken, but our souls hold the bond of love for one another, the one stronger than blood.” I was speaking of the sisterhood love, and I would let them go because that's how love worked.

We hugged each other while sobbing, all our old memories playing in our minds, and our magic was warm in recognition. I knew a time would come where I needed them, but I hoped they would return to me then.

A war was coming here and a bigger one at that, my mother only appeared if something greater would happen, and she was not a witch you would find.
She was here with her paired to witches, and the Alpha knew why.

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