Chapter 19

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I have been searching through for a way out of Warrodah for days now, and I failed, as this was a magical world and a way out would be through a portal. Rodger knew very well that I was still here, and I did not know how he hadn't found me. I was running out of food. My body ached with muscle pain, and I kept myself moving, looking for anything that would lead to a sign of the portal. I had not dreamt of Aaron and I did not know where he could be, as I did not feel him here.

Not only that, but I miss him and hope to meet him soon. This place was scary at the night. I felt I was all alone here, and I feared how I felt at this moment as it felt like I was being watched.the moon lit up the sky, magic swirled around and it was a red mood. The witching moon that lit the sky, and the witches were drawing more magic from it. As I felt my magic getting pulled, I stood up, headed east as the pull directed me. I stopped behind a tree as there were voices coming from ahead.

“We are late, and they will punish us this time.”

“Relax and let me think.”

“There's something glowing behind the tree” I was glowing as the magic swirled around me.

“Who's there?” one of the voices said, and I was panicking as I took a step back, and they came to the tree but to my surprise they were just kids, teenagers. A red-haired girl and a boy,”who are you and why are you here?”the boy asked.

“Cibrian look she's the chosen one.” but for what? And I would rather not stay long enough to know what that, was, so I moved away from them to continue walking. The girl tried to stop me as she held my, but her hand locked on mine as magic pulled between us. Her eyes turned white, I tried removing her, but we were locked, and she jerked with magic. I was so worried if I killed her like this would never forgive myself.

“Cynthia!!!” the boy shouted and attempted to touch her, but I stopped him," stop you might lock in as well.” He was to hold back his tears and I could feel his emotions very substantially. She looked back at me with her green eyes, she let go of my hand, we both sat down breathing heavy.

“I saw.” She was an oracle, but she was so young. “What vision.” I could not trust anyone, even if it was some teens I just, met, they could be working with Rodger.

“You are running away from a dangerous and evil man, but you shouldn't run from him because you are more powerful than him.” it was stupid to think I could be more powerful than Rodger.

“I can't go back am sorry. Maybe you saw. wrong. You are still young to understand visions.” she looked at me with disappointment, her brother held her hand.

“ If he finds the book before you do, he will become more powerful than anything in this world because he will no longer be himself, but the demon God Daruba will be reborn in him."

That can never happen. Daruba was killed decades ago, and he cannot be reborn.” You are the chosen one to stop this revelation, from the moment you were a baby in your mother's belly this fate had been yours, so if you turn around now and run you would have brought ruin to our seven realms.”

I felt guilt build up in me by this child's words as they were ripe words.” why me?” I sat down, defeated by this new revelation. “ Your blood is from royalty and you carry the spirit of a true Luna.”

“Cynthia let's go. That's her choice to. make,. If she makes the, wrong choice she will live with the Guilt of killing thousands of witches.” Cibrian told her as they walked away, Cynthia looked back at me and I felt pained by that look.

“How do I find Kalidah's book of magic?" they both stopped sauntering and turned to me." My mother would know, so you have to meet my family first.” I was taking a new journey to retrieve the book of magic.

“ We are twins you see this is my brother Cibrian and am Cynthia." that I had already figured out they looked too alike and of the same age. I nodded in acknowledgment.

“The Alpha King is close to here?” There was one Alpha King, and he was my mate, and what did she mean he is close to here?” how do you know that?” she smiled as she spoke.

“He travels with another Oracle, and she's family.” if Agatha was the oracle she was talking about, then I could not trust her or her family a hundred percent as that old hag had betrayed us and was a spy too, she was sneaky and cunning. There was something between her and Alpha, but I did not figure out  surly what it was. I had  feeling that Agatha disguised herself as an old hag when she wasn't at all old, the things she had done none of them relayed on her being an old witch she was too smart and had everyone in the pack figured out. The face she wore probably wasn't hers and if I am right, none of us know her true form and what she is capable of.

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