chapter 9

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I felt him dying, and the pain in my heart is more than anything I have ever felt in my entire life. I could no longer sit or think. As I got up from the bed I fell back down, my body was weak I couldn't even stand. Lyra and Sia rushed to my side, they both caught onto my hand and that's when it happened. An electric power came from me, pulling us together. My body was feeding off their magic as they tried to pull away. It was a strong force holding the two of them to me and I could feel their power enter me, but I could not stop it as a magnetic field of magic was created.

"Evelina  please release us." Sia was begging me and I just didn't know how to stop this, I tried pulling myself away, but it was causing them more pain.

"I don't know how to." I was killing my paired to witches and all I could do was nothing but cry for help.

"LOREHA DEMORA, LOREHA DEMORA." Clara chanted as she rushed through the door."you all repeat after me now!" We all said it at once.

"LOREHA DEMORA,LOREHA DEMORA!!!" We fell to the ground, the magnetic boundary fell apart setting us free, but that was the worst as Lyra and Sia shook hysterically on the floor. I panicked and screamed loudly, as I was afraid to touch them again.

"Somebody help me?" I screamed, fearing of killing my only childhood friends cursing through me.

Daniel and Eric came rushing through with a female dressed in a medical uniform, "what happened here? Luna, are you okay?"Daniel spoke while pulling Lyra in his arms and on to the bed.

"I thought this place was sealed of magic!" Clara was right, how did my magic powers work here? My eyes fell on Eric, who looked at me with disapproval.

"This is Maria, our pack doctor, can have a look at them please?"Daniel motioned to the blond female next to him as nodded and checked their bodies for any wound, but they had burnt marks on some body parts, especially the hand that they used to hold on to me.

"Heart rate is stable, they just suffered shock and I think they might be in a lot of pain as they looked like they were cooked alive." She shot daggers at me and nodded towards Daniel and Eric, to seem as though they were having a silent conversation.

"They will be okay Luna, the person who is seriously injured is Aaron." I felt my heart stopping for a moment. I not could lose him, not now, not ever.

"What happened ? Take me to him?"I asked them, my heart beating fast in my chest.

"No that will not happen, you almost cooked your friends alive and it's clear you're unstable with your powers." Eric clearly hated me for being his brother's mate and a witch.

"I never meant for this to happen and this never happened before I..." Clara stopped me from talking. "This is not your fault, don't listen, to this prick." Eric was angry as moved towards Clara, but Daniel pulled him to halt.

"That will be enough now, Luna let's go, he needs you." At that, I followed him and Eric was growling ignoring him. I was walking fast as I thought of how I fed of my friend's power guilt lump sat on my chest.

"They will be fine. Luna Maria truly knows her stuff." I nodded, he was really caring here.

He opened a door to a massive bedroom and Aaron was laying on the bed, his body breaking into sweats, and he was twisting with pain. I walked up to his bed and sat next to him. His wounds were healing but very slowly, werewolves healed fast, so I couldn't understand.

"why isn't he healing fast?" His father Gideon answered as he walked in.

"Because those wounds weren't from any wolf but an alpha, so the healing process will take bit some time" tears broke from my eyes as I looked at his state.

"His lost a lot of blood, but he will be okay since a blood transfusion has been done. I felt a bit relieved as my hand found his, the electric transferring boundary was back up again but this time it was stealing my energy and transferring to Aaron. I let a cry of pain as it felt like being struck by lightning.

"Don't touch her."screamed Clara, but it was rather too late as Daniel had grabbed my hand, and it was pulling his energy to me and mine to his, he let out a growl as I remembered the words and chanted.

"LOREHA DEMORA, LOREHA DEMORA, LOREHA DEMORA." The boundary fell apart, releasing us and fell to the ground.

"How is this happening?" Alpha Gideon asked, as this place was sealed from magic.

"She's doing this, how many of our kind must die to understand the true nature of her people, they call us beast but look at what monsters they are." I looked down, shame written on my face as I did not know how this was happening.

"Shut up Eric, Clara, please get me the oracle Eric will accompany you." She nodded in understanding and moved as Eric followed behind her. Daniel stood up to sit on the chair holding his chest.

"What you were chanting just now, what does it say." It was an ancient witch language that only those with witches powers understood.

"The power of true blood holding me be it set free those it hold against my will." It wasn't I who said it, but Aaron as he pulled me into a hug. He was fully healed, looked as though he never got injured.

"I thought I wouldn't see you again Evelina..."He smiled at me as I was blushing next to him.

"We aren't alone, you know." He brushed my hair with his hand. I felt safe and warm in his arms.

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