Chapter Two

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It has has been 2 days since I found out that his wolf blood was my weakness and i am still not fully healed but they have kept the old bitch of a witch to watch over me while I look for the herbs that will make an antidote for the poison spell I did to his brothers. This old bitch of a witch has been watching me letting them treat me like rubbish, this old bitch of a witch would rather betray her own kind and team up with these bloody beasts.

The price of betrayal was rather very high in my covenant some would pay with losing a limb or two and others would pay with their lives. In the book of code of conduct it highly stated that witches may never mingle with wolfs and I never in my life came came across them up until two days ago, in my knowledge I had thought they nolonger exist as hundred of years ago the fight between and my kind was huge killing many almost all of my kind.

Werewolves weren't always beast they were mundane hunters they hunted us, burnt us and staked us for willing magic. All witches had come up with a curse because our kind was running ,living in fear and being killed for being born with magic so they prayed to the moon that the hunters were to turn into beast that they were every full moon and kill everything they came into contact causing chaos in and cursing their entire bloodline. The thought about all this caused panic within me.

I am hungry, angry, dirty and and stink like rotten trash... I looked like those witches in children's book ugly and scary. We have been searching the woods yet we could not find the herbs here and time was running short since my coven is probably looking for me and am sure they would make a tracking spell to find my where abouts, I did not want to endanger them because if they came to this place they stood no chance against these beast cause this place was secured no magic or witchcraft could work. Guess they are clever after all to have a witch to work for them and secure the place with very powerful spells.

If Roger were to find this place he would burn it to the ground killing anything that belonged here. He was one of the most powerful male witches, we feared him too as he killed just for sport and tried spells that could never be reversed.

"You better move faster! " the old bitch of a witch commanded me.

" am not fully healed and am tired, we are not going to find these herbs like this. " i really needed some food and rest.
She looked at me and her face showed no emotions, I could tell she did not like me and the fact I was like her.

" you are not my problem, I was told not to feed you and letting you rest would slow us down. NOW GET MOVING WITCH! " she really was cruel not that I expected her to be kind to me.

" you are a witch just like me but you would rather do me like some ani-" i was cut before I could finish my sentence.

"i am not a witch I am an Oracle before speaking rubbish ask witch! " now I became clear how I couldn't sense her or her power because oracles were part witch but they were gifted with the sight to see the future. They could tell you Wat you did and could do by touching you. They had alot of visions.

" I wonder how an Oracle ended up with the beasts!" it was funny how she would rather live with the dogs than her own kind.

"that is non of your damn business witch!!!" it was clear I had made the old bitch of a witch mad and I was pleased.

" Did perhaps see me coming in your vision since you are an Oracle and can see the past and the future?" she could've warned her dogs if she saw the past that lead me at poisoning those animals not that i feel sorry and i truly don't, give another chance I would do just as I had done.

" I saw many things non could you have survived a day if you saw witch, you witches are made of pure bad luck and i would not let you spread your filth here!" the bitch of a witch must have seen me in her visions but what is she hiding that made her this protective and disgusted?

"Oracle or whatever you will get your punishment for your involvement with the wolfs because you still belong to a witch tribe regardless" she paled at the fear of my words and the truth they held

If she had seen me in her visions why did she not warn her beast? After all I think that is why these beasts keep her here to report them if there's any dangers coming their way! Could it been that she was here against her will and did not care for them?

" I myself hate having any sort of conversation with your kind but I must ask, if you had seen me coming why hadn't you warned your dogs about me?" she stopped walking her hands turned into fists but she turned around and walked up to me never breaking eye contact.

" who told you I never warned them about you witch?... Do you know how difficult it is to... " she stopped talking and i could see her eyes were glossy with tears that were held back but what was difficult? Was this a some sort of a front put up so people never knew who she is and how she felt? Did I almost get through to her?

She started walking but I pulled her arm and stopped her from moving... She looked at me confused "what is so difficult?"
I questioned her, I needed to know what is going on here.

She looked at me and pulled away from me. " with time you will see witch. Now if you don't mind we should start heading back before darkness falls." what did she mean, I felt the more I questioned her the more confused I got.
I had enough with her, so I walked behind her.

It was getting dark and we found some herbs so we were headed back non of us ever cared to speak again this was my first encounter with an Oracle, I never knew they were so secretive and rude. Mother always spoke so highly of them.

I could see the gates of the compound and the old Oracle was leaping faster forward as if she was racing with the light but the night was falling faster.
We got into the gates and we both went to the room those sick beast were sleeping in, we had to mix the herbs and feed them.

While I was busy mixing the herbs the oracle left without a word said, I wonder why was she always angry?
I carried on grinding the herbs and humming a lullaby my mom used to hum while making portions.

Suddenly I felt warm breath on the back of my neck and i quickly spun around, I came face to face with him, his face twisted in disgust not that I cared because I hadn't taken a shower in days and it wasn't my fault. "what are you doing here?"
I asked him but he never answered "can I help you with..." I was cut off.

"I see you feeling more comfortable here..." I did not know whether it was a question or a statement but I answered any ways.
" I am getting used to it but I haven't showered or eaten in..." once again I was rudely interrupted.

"you have no right to complain witch it was my order for you not to be fed or bath until you heal my brothers, this is not your home for you to be comfortable the next time I hear you complaining about shit I will have you gutted like an animal." I somehow bluttered out in laughter and looked him straight in the eye, I too stood straight up, my body pressed against his hurt but I wouldn't budge. "If you think threatening me would heal or be a solution then please so gutter me like animal after all you are one."I could feel his muscles tensing up with his entire body pressed up against mine and his skin was tickling with little electricity the feeling would have been so good if I wasn't being rudely pressed against the wall and threaten. He looked away and started to move leaving me cold

"I don't what spell this your using.." He face pulled with disgust and his arousal was strongly evident and I couldn't stop staring, He was hungry for me and I was so scared that this feeling I was getting around wasn't only for sexual hunger but more and we both felt it yet so scary.

he stomped out of the room without another word. He was weird and rude and I was running out of time I needed to escape this place and without using magic but I fear being caught

WITCHE'S BEAST *(needs editing )Where stories live. Discover now