Chapter 13

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The beast wanted blood, it needed to kill, I felt its anger and hunger. Aaron was losing control of his beast, he was getting stronger and his people feared him. That wasn't what he wanted, he did not want to kill his brother, guilt had washed over him, and he was terribly pained by his actions now being judged by his people.

They all thought I had done something to him, probably knowing how little they thought of us witches, but I did not care what people considered me to be my entire life I had been judged for not knowing my father and unable to wheel true magic. Aaron wasn't like me, he was born a leader and now his people had been misled by his action.

Leading people with fear was bad, fear made us eradicate, fear was an enemy that people wanted to kill. Lyra was Daniel's mate I don't know how she felt as she hid it from me, I did not know how to feel about it as I knew one thing about being mated to a wolf your life would be in danger that's something I had come to live with, and I wonder if Lyra would be able to do so or whether she had a choice in this.

“Evelina are you okay?” the alpha and Luna asked me, I had been asked to be present when they interrogate the old oracle to help them pull the truth out of her as I was able to pick up if someone was lying, but my mind had been full with thoughts of what happened earlier on.

“Yes alpha.” I was lying, I needed to draw away my thoughts and unclear my mind. The Oracle walked in and sat by the table, her hands were chained.

She looked sickly pale and her blues focused on me and guilt settle at the pit of my stomach, why was she like this, had they done something to her.
There was not much I could do for her right now, as she had done this to herself.

“Agatha I will ask this once more, if you don't answer you will be punished." the alpha had known her name meaning they were close, and she stared at him as though she dared him to do it. They had a past and I couldn't really understand the emotions that came from them as she tried hard to hide her emotions, but she was weak and that wasn't working out well.

“Agatha, you need to us tell what's happening to be free from this.”I urged her to speak, but her cold stares cutting through me like razors.

“Oh poor child my fate ends here, and it's rich of you to come here thinking me saying something would save me.” it was amusing that she actually said something, but it was what she said next that scared me.

“You and I share the same fate to die by the hand of a loved one.” I stood up, to rush over her, I needed to know what she meant by that.

“ what do you mean?" she was starting at the alpha with a hard look.

"Agatha stop it."the alpha warned her not to speak, but they wanted her to talk now that she was actually speaking they didn't her to, what were they hiding?

"you have my attention what do you mean." she smiled looking between me and alpha, Larissa was fuming but held on herself as the smell of jealousy filled the room and I couldn't think clear but something I felt next that took me by surprised it was the emotion of love that came from the oracle. She was the alpha's mistress, this was getting too uncomfortable as Larissa picked up on my facial expressions and stormed out of the room.

“there are two sides to the prophecy I told you, one side that everyone heard of, but the other bitter side was always hidden, and it's all coming true.”  I was listening, and I wanted to know the other side.

“I believe you have started drawing witches power Evelina." how did she know did this have something to do with the prophecy?
“Yes, but I can't control it as I can't control my powers yet.” she simply laughed at me, but this was not funny.

“you are stealing witches power and feeding it to Aaron's beast, you are controlling the power within you. But as we speak too much power kills the soul in anything and leaves nothing but a monster, and one you are creating will kill you on your ceremony night under the full moon.” I stood up as I felt my stomach fill with bile I had the edge to throw up, but I was pushing it back.

“lies Aaron cares for….” she interrupted me.

“I never said he doesn't care for you, his beast is losing control as you are unaware feeding it magic strengthening it, which ends with your death, there are consequences of using black magic” my thoughts went back to Eric and Daniel the fight he almost killed him, fear filled me as body felt weak.

“not everything she says is true, we can look for a solution Evelina." the alpha was trying to calm me down. Oracles never lied or made mistakes.

" This had happened against my will, surely there's something that can be done now to reverse the black magic that I did not mean to use." I looked at the Oracle.

“black magic is irreversible.” the oracle wasn't going to help me

“you need to leave and find your people war is coming, its best you stand with your own…" she couldn't finish her sentence as the alpha pulled her against the table

“take her back” I simply stood up without saying anything I left the room, I was walking so fast that I bumped into Aaron he held my waist I felt the pull of the bond doing what it does best, a little jolt of electricity being shared between us and I tried to set myself free from his hold, but he now had me against the wall.

“Eve what's wrong?” tears brimming in my eyes, my body shaky against my will, paling with fear, and he saw it all. As his confusion turned to guilt and pain setting me free from his hold.
I simply walked away with the pain in my chest poking my life out, tomorrow night he would kill me.

I have gotten so close to him, I cared for him and the facial expression he had made my soul swim with guilt. Aaron has never tried to harm me his beast cared for me, why did I run from him, I was regretting my actions and with that, I turned to go look for him, but he had already gone?

“are you okay.” Sia asked, and I nodded my head I was lying, I couldn't let anyone know.

“have you seen Aaron?” she stared at me for a moment before pointing to the woods” yes he went in the woods.” I started running to the woods I felt my pain, I wondered how he felt.

I will find a way to change this, as there are two sides of the prophecy.

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