Chapter 37

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The seasons changed, and I remained pained waiting for the other half of my soul, There were days that I hated and even getting up would take to me. He was gone for months and lost in a realm I did not know, I cried every single day as I missed him and I knew I had to have hope that he would come back, but I feared maybe not. I am heavy with my pregnancy I could barely walk, but Mason always came with me to sit here by the rocks and watch the mountains, I wanted to see my mate emerge from there and coming back to me.

Mason had become overly protective of me as he watched my every move, made sure I ate, and he got me up on days I disliked. He got me things that I craved, and he disliked to talk but he tried for me. He was there making sure I wasn't mistreated, He is young with an old heart, and sporadically I saw Aaron in him as they looked alike.

“its getting cold." Mason stood up, and he was ready to take me home, he never looked me in the eye. I felt he didn't feel comfortable as I was a witch.
I never fully understood him and at times he confused me.

“I know, but let's stay at least five more minutes.”He took off his jacket and handed it to me. I hesitated to take it, but he pushed in my face, so I took it.

“I don't want my brother's pups feeling cold let us leave.” I hated how everyone mostly cared for my babies and not me, I felt emotional and tears welled up in my eyes and these bloody hormones had me crying every single day.

“Don't do that.”He hated it when I cried, and he was tired as I cried all the time.
“I can't control my emotions.” I cried a bit more. he was now pulling his hair.

“Everlina!” he called me, but I couldn't care to listen, and I missed my mate and my chest felt like a hole with my heart in my throat.

“Everlina look at me!!”he was now standing in front of me, and he lets me in to his emotions as I saw so much pain.
He takes my hand in his. For some weird reason, my babies kick.

“I know it hurts you that his been gone this long but his coming back right.” his last words were a question to himself as he was worried like I did, and I felt guilty for making him see me break down everyday like this when he too was broken by this.

“He will come back to us, and today is the last time I bring you here.” He was shattered like me, but he held himself well and always acted cold.

“that's not happening. this places is peaceful, and it gives me hope.” I would come here until reunited with, I wiped my tears.

“it's too risky as you are heavily pregnant.” we started to walk back, and he hated how slow I walked as he rubbed his face in frustration, and it was funny to me.

“I am thirsty.” I could see him getting upset, and I said that on purpose so that we could stay a little in the woods.

“Everlina it's getting late and father is asking about you.” I guess they had mind linked, and I simply smiled at him as he looked away from me.

“so what, am still thirsty.” this was driving him mad as he stopped walking.

“Eric is almost here. I asked him to bring you water and a snack.” he was really thoughtful. I felt guilty for wearing his jacket as it was so cold.

“am a werewolf, I don't feel cold.” he read my thoughts and I could see Eric coming towards us now.

“Everlina you shouldn't be here and Mason why did you bring her here.” he simply looked at him and not responding, he handed me some water and a small container with fruit cuts.
I ate while the brothers argued.

“there's a rogue on the loose and you can't be bringing her here, Mason, if something…" Mason really did get angry quick, I had not once seen him smile or laugh. All he did was carry tasks.

“Nothing happened to her!” I could sense the anger from both of them as Eric let out a growl in warning his brother.

We got to the house and Lyra rushed over to me."Alpha has been worried about you and where have you been?"

“The woods of course and Mason was with me, no need to worry so much.”He entered the dining room where everyone was seated to eat, Mason sat next to me.

Alpha Gideon looked at us as he spoke,
“Mason I expect you to be careful when taking Everlina out, but so far, out of the woods is dangerous. Do you not see her condition.” everyone blamed him for my decision.

“it won't happen again, father.” Alpha took the first bite of his food, and we all followed eating.

“Everlina how are you feeling?” Larissa asked me, that was a difficult question when answered truthfully.

“I am okay, and thank you for asking.”
I was eating too many vegetables and Mason placed a piece of meat on my plate, this got everyone surprised as I saw he realized his mistake as this was a gesture only mates did to assure to provide for their own.

“Mason what the hell are you doing.”
He stood up, but Lyra pulled him back down.

“I forbid to ever do such a thing that's your brother's mate!” Alpha Gideon spoke and Mason stood up and walked out. To me, this was just a piece of meat, so I ate all and Larissa's mouth was hanging.

I headed to my bedroom and Mason stood by my door. He put the lights on and closed the windows, checked the bathroom and moved back as he was about to leave, he stood by the door.
“I am sorry about earlier on, my wolf cares deeply for the pups you carry as his own, so you ate too many vegetables, and he knew meat was good too.”  I wanted to speak but he left too quick.

I took off his jacket and placed it on the chair. I had his scent and decided to take a shower, but I was interrupted by Lyra who walked into my room.
She sat down on the bed and patted the space next to her, I wonder what she wanted to talk about.

“I think you should stay away from Mason, Lina.”Lyra worried for no reason.

“why Lyra, don't tell me you also misunderstood him.” she looked at me before looking down.

“Mating season next month and you…"

“I am pregnant and mated to Aaron Lyra
Everything Mason does is simply because of Aaron.” I stood up feeling a bit upset at Lyra for judging, but I felt pain below my belly and water broke I screamed as I was shocked.

This wasn't supposed to happen now, and I wanted Aaron to be here, and tears rolling down my cheeks as Lyra jumped to hold me.
“You going to be okay, Lina.” Mason rushed in and lifted me up in his arms, walking fast out the door.”call Maria now!!!”He shouted to Lyra as she was frozen. Daniel and Eric came With Maria and I felt pain below my belly, I held on to Mason's hand.

This was happening, and I was having these babies now.

“I need you all to leave, Lyra, you stay.” Maria placed her hands on my belly.

Hey guys! Hope you liked the chapter please do let me know of your how you feel about Mason.

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Thank you ❤️

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