Chapter 14

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The truth I had learned made me doubt him for a minute, fear made me run, and now I regretted my action because Aaron had chosen to be by my side regardless of how people felt about me.
In my shoes, he would have rather taken his chances than run, he had that much faith in me and I wavered for just a minute. He respected me and my wishes and I had grown to love him, my emotions were pure because in love we become in our purest state.

I searched the woods for him, I needed to speak to him, I needed to let him know I trusted him and that I was not afraid of him. The feelings were driving me insane, as the bond had been eating at my soul for pushing him away and fighting it. I walked up by the river and watched as the water flowed, how beauty it was and the rocks inside clear.

Aaron appeared in his wolf form, he crunched down shifting to his man form, it looked painful as his bones twisted and shifted under his skin, but I guess he was used to it.

“What are you doing here Eve.” his face held the same expression as before, he put up a hard face and my eyes wandered all over his fully naked form.

“ I was looking for you.” he wasn't even bothered that he was naked, my face was flushed I liked what I saw, but there was distance between us and I needed to control myself am a lady.

"Why?” I felt pained by his question and my mouth went dry of utterances, instead of me answering, he stated again.

“I pose as a danger to you Eve, and I am afraid I might hurt you.” his words tore at my heart, but I saw how deeply torn his was as he wanted or accepted the meaning of his words. I took a step towards him,”don't come any closer, please Eve.” he was afraid that he would give in to bond.

“before I met you my life was far from safe, am born with royal blood, but my life has never been royalty.” I took a few steps, closing in the distance between us.

“I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hurt you.” his eyes gave away the fear he held back, and I reached out, to touch his face.

“You won't Aaron, you aren't a monster.” he was kind, caring and he adored nature.

“you saw what I did to Eric yet.” I felt hardening as the bond wanted nothing but for us to give in.

“we all have made mistakes in anger, you are not perfect and nobody expects you to be.” I placed my hands on his chest. He let out a breath, I wanted nothing but his lips on mine.

“that's one mistake I would not live with.” I felt his rejection, but I wasn't accepting it.

“I love you Aaron, “He stared blanked at me, did he not feel anything towards me besides the bond? I wanted to say it again just in case he didn't hear me, but as I opened my mouth to speak, he placed a hand on my lips.

“don't speak Eve as am to fight hard not to take you here and mark you as mine.” his beast was now present, I could see him in his eyes looking at me with lustful eyes. I wanted him to do it, to mark me as his and carry his claim on my very flesh.

“I will remove my hand from your mouth and take you home, Eve. I nodded my head as he removed his hand. I tiptoed up to meet his lips and I kissed him setting our desire on fired, let out a growl in warning as I bit his ear and whispered” mark me Aaron.”
His eyes met mine as he kissed me back hungrily his lips moved from my lips to my neck and ripping my dress off. The fees of him kissing my skin sent shivers on my entire body. He sucked the sensitive part of my neck, and it felt good as I moaned holding rubbing my lady parts against his manhood, which was stone hard.

Everything happening so fast I could not comprehend the pleasure that was cursing through us as sang his canine into my skin, I felt pain he held on to me before pleasure sored through me and I moaned in pleasure before he returned to kissing me.

“we will finish after your ceremony tomorrow night.” my lady parts ached with the need to feel him inside of me.

“okay I said, out of breath." he kissed me once more. I smiled looking back my dress was torn to shreds and how on earth was I leaving here.

We both got into river swimming as Aaron held me from behind.” I love you too, Eve.”I turned around to look at him with my heart fluttering in my chest. He is the most handsome man, I kissed him playfully before splashing water on him, we jumped  splashing water at each other all giddy and happy.

I wanted this moment to last forever, I wanted to think nothing about what the Old oracle had spoken to me about, and I loved Aaron at this very moment. It proved so that he loved me too. I wanted nothing but for us to remain in love and happy, I knew a time will come where we will have to fight and face our enemies and choose sides and I wish that we will fight as one.

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