Chapter 29

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Aaron remained silent, and he waited for me to explain my actions and there was nothing more I could say that would not anger him further because in the end I told an untruth to save Clara, which cost me my magic and almost harmed my unborn babies. I have never seen him this upset, I could feel his beast present at this moment as he tried to calm himself.

He had no idea I was pregnant, I needed to wait for the right time to tell him, and this wasn't it. He brushed his hand over his hair, he stood away from me, but I missed him and I wanted nothing but to be near him.”I'm sorry.” the words fell off my mouth. I did not know how to show him how sorry I was. “Why would you lie to me, Eve, went against my command.”? I disobeyed him, and it was a sign of disrespect. “I did not want to, but I knew you would never let me do it.” I walked closer to him, closing the gap between us, I wanted to hug him, kiss him, and be in his arms to assure him that I was okay, but he pulled away from me.
“We need to leave tomorrow to my pack lands, am not leaving you behind, you can't be trusted.” his last words hurt my feelings. It was going to take a lot more for him to forget about this, as I broke the trust he had in me.

We joined the others as they were all celebrating the return of Clara, I took a slice of apple and shoved it in my mouth, there was light music and food decorated the table. Agatha pulled a chair next to Annebelle and they whispered to one another for a moment her lips pulled up into a smile, they noticed me staring and Annebelle faked a smile something was up with the two of them and I had to find out. Clara walked in all cheered up her blues found mine, she is fully healed and back to her usual self. “Thank you Lia." she didn't have to thank me as I did that to her, but I nodded, accepting it.”you look stunning.” I loved her energy,” thank you, but you look a little pale are you okay.” she could sense my magic was gone, Kalidah spoke of giving me magic, but I could not feel it. Aaron looked at me upon hearing Clara's question, I immediately responded”I think I exhausted my magic but am okay.”I was getting good and lying, and I needed to stop. Lyra and Daniel seem to be all over one another, Daniel did really change Lyra by bringing the softer parts of her to light, and they were beautiful.

Sia and Eric had formed some friendship as they sat together chatting up, Eric has started accepting us witches. Cynthia and Cibrian argued about school, my mind went back to Rodger, and we needed to move him fast, I had to make sure he was gone.

Sia looked at Agatha and looked back at me and I could see she was figuring out, I shook my head to stop her from speaking, but Aaron caught on my movement, and he gave me a questionable look.” I wanted to let you all know that tomorrow I am leaving, so I want us to deliver Rodger to tibrus the demon penitentiary.” I tapped on something that made Agatha shift uncomfortably in her seat. “we will hand him over.” Agatha spoke as though she were no longer returning with us, why did she concern herself with Rodger?”You are returning with us Agatha and I want to be there, Rodger is set to tibrus." I was glad that Aaron wanted the same thing as I did.

"Am not your property, I belong here with my family.”Agatha was getting frustrated, but she shouldn't have spoken like that, and soon she would regret it.”You are my property you belong to our pack, when my father saved your life you swore to stay in our pack and seal the magic.”Daniel stopped eating as he looked at Agatha, and she held everyone's attention. Aaron wanted her dead for doing the spell behind his back with, and she was giving him more to. “I think I have done that for a very long time, I am my own person too.”Aaron got up crouched over Agatha and I could feel the atmosphere shifted dangerously as I felt my babies in my stomach move sensing danger I jumped in my sit and Eric was watching me.
“Agatha you will join us in our return and am not asking you, I am telling you now it's either you return willingly or I return with your corpse.” I wanted to see how far she would go now that she learned powerful magic, she simply smiled and looked at me.”I would like to see you try Alpha King." she had challenged him and Aaron shifted immediately followed by Daniel and Eric, Annabelle and Gabriel stood by Agatha choosing their side and joined by the twins. This was a battle I would lose without magic, but I needed to protect my babies I held my stomach as fear consumed my every thought, the movement was caught by Aaron's wolf who shifted in a protective stance in front of me.

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