Chapter 46

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Some people survive chaos, that's how they grow and others thrive in chaos because it's all they know. The dark magic was causing chaos among us witches, and it gave some werewolves' reason to strike chaos because they weren't fond of the new built union between our kinds and theirs. To prevent all this, we had to remove the darkness in Asher and Reyna could not remove her magic as it would kill her.

Everything was ready, but Aaron and Daniel weren't here, and we could not do this without them, but where are they? Lyra was also worried, and she kept staring in the dark.

Sia and Eric stood there with their hands touching, and they simply couldn't stay away from one another.
Alpha Gideon played with Asher in his arms and Larissa stood next to him all happy.

“his going to be okay.”Reyna whispered in my ear and I spun around, she smiled as she patted my hand.
“is it that obvious?” she simply nodded and also stared at my son.

“There's this memory I always had, but I had mistaken for a dream in Helium, but after meeting you I know it's not a dream.”Reyna smiled as she pulled her gaze away from my son to me.”what was it about.”

“we were kids, and we merely understood what magic was and dad would always scold at us if we held hands like this.” she held my hand and my magic swirled around hers for a second, but she pulled her hand away instantly.

“I don't remember anything, Reyna.”  it was frustrating that she remembered when I had no memory of a time with both mom and dad.

“I think they erased your memories, it might be after…" Reyna knew, and she hesitated to tell me the truth, but now I wanted to know.

“we created our very own spell, don't you remember, our secret spell.”As Reyna said those words , 'our secret spell', a memory unlocked. We played in my old home. We were in the kitchen I finally saw him my father yelling at us for holding hands.

“tell me more Reyna, I want to know I need to remember.” she nodded as she looked at me and her eyes held honesty.

“It was your idea Everlina, we played and somebody died because of us, and I was sent away with your magic while I kept yours.”tears brimming my eyes as I remembered switching magic with Reyna and the power was too strong for her, dad tried to break the magic, but it fed of his soul until nothing left. Ice-cold eyes as he looked at us.

“How Rey...”tears fell on my face and I wiped I felt suffocated, and I walked out, all this time it was me I bared the darkness and my sister suffered for my actions, my father died. I felt like I could scream, but I just sat there on the ground crying.

“Every single thing we have been through was fated to happen, Everlina. I don't blame you.” I don't understand, everything came to me in full loads. When I met Rodger, he was kind until he touched on my magic and used it, and it was my darkness that made him obsessed and Agatha turned faces when I came here, it was my magic that caused chaos. I am the part of a dark magic and when I touched Reyna I was the one feeding off souls and my magic recognized me.

"How did this happen?” it was a question I asked myself, but Reyna hugged me from behind. I unintentionally brought darkness here and my son was now cursed like I was.

“I killed our father.” I felt Aaron through the bond and my eyes searching for him, I found him standing beside my mother.

“what Everlina."Reyna stood up mad at mother. Aaron took me in his arms and wiped my tears.

“I don't know what Reyna told you, but your father died by the curse of trying to remove magic from Reyna. I don't have time to tell you everything, just know your magic seduces any darkness in a witches soul as you are the other half of darkness.” if she was right, then whose memories were those and why don't I have any recollection of my past.

“Reyna stop you were too young, you are making her believe things that aren't true. You did swap magic, but it was restored by your grandmother.” I needed to know I wasn't a monster after all. We all got ready to do the spell that would remove the magic from Asher.

We all held hands and mother placed her hand on Asher. She said the words that sat my magic an on fire,  I screamed as I felt it burn through me and connected with Reyna who also screamed in pain.

Asher cried as the magic was being pulled off him and entering Nora. The pain stopped, and we felt too cold, I was now able to remember everything as I saw Nora's memories. The last conversation she had with my grandmother, I heard it and I remembered it as if it were yesterday.

'Please mom, take care of Lina, I need to find Collin to help me remove the magic from Reyna.'

'Nora, she needs you!”

“She needs her sister. I will return when I find a solution to their curse, but mother wipe her memories. She has been through a lot.”

I opened my eyes feeling heavy with emotions, Nora smiled as she finally removed all of Asher's magic. I picked up my baby, Aaron came to us and played with his cheeks, relief washed over everyone.

Nora held Reyna's hand, she tried to pull it away but failed.” I know I failed to help, so I will let you start a fresh and live a new life.” I rushed over to her, but I was too late as magic swirled around them. Nora took the darkness from Reyna and replaced it with her magic.

She fell to the ground as darkness fed off her soul. I ran to her screaming.
“mom mom no, no no.” she held her chest and smiled at me.

“it okay Lina, I love you…" being a witch was a blessing and a curse, our own magic harmed us and protected us.
“Reyna I lov..” she stopped breathing, and I sat there holding her in my arms, I could not speak as Reyna sat next to me and we held hands.

“I had mixed up our memories and blamed her, yet she spent all her life searching for help for me.”Ryan's tears fell hard as sat next to me. We were cursed by our blood, by our magic.

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