Chapter 44

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There were things about my bloodline starrock that I never knew, and they all begin with the ghost of a father and a hidden Reyna. Every time I searched for the truth it was bitter painful and my mother was the only one who knew everything about me and Reyna. I would be lying if I said I wasn't afraid of Reyna and her darkness, I wanted to believe it could be changed and if that were possible, then there was hope for my son.

Aaron and I had let Reyna stay in the pack, but we were also keeping an eye on her. I had come to an understanding that her darkness arises only when provoked, the darkness served as a self-defense mechanism. The only issue was when it took the energy of the soul it took too much that it drained the life out of a soul.

I felt absolutely nothing when my magic connected to hers, and it was frightening that I kind of like the feeling, and she enjoyed it a little too much. I wondered how we would have turned out if we were never separated.

“The Northern witches have started a war.” Aaron stood there looking rather trouble, and it must have been that bad what the northern witches done.

“I don't think this concerns us, as we are far from the North.” Mason had a point, we could not go around getting involved in every fight between our kinds, it was perilous.

“That's where you have it wrong, brother, they are recruiting more witches, and they are moving instantaneous.” something wasn't right and Aaron knew why the witches retaliated.

“Maybe we should try to figure out what brought about this fight.” I needed further details about this. Reyna brought her hands to her face and I noticed how pale and nervous she was.

Daniel looked at Alpha Gideon and I knew they had their own private chat through the mind link, Lyra was in it too. I felt as though I was the only person who had no idea.

“what are you all not telling me?”Sia put out her hands in defense as looked between me and Aaron.” I told you to tell her.” she gestured at Aaron.

“The symbol of a comet graced the skies three nights ago, Reyna was able to read the stars and so has the Northern witches.” why would he hide this from me, it didn't make sense how was the comet symbol important especially to us or what could it have meant?

“Reyna what did the stars reveal?" she looked at me for a bit, and she was frightened and why was she.

“forbidden magic marked the skies, it's mine and Asher's magic, and we are protected by werewolves, so yeah the fighting is headed here.” The witches would go to war to put an end to darkness in this world, and the comet caused chaos.

Aaron stood there watching me as if waiting for me to say something, but I was trying to think.
“We need to remove all magic from Asher leaving only his wolf genes to be more dominant in him and he can survive. “ Reyna spoke, looking at me, but I knew taking all his magic was risky, and I would rather not put him through that, his is a baby, and I was afraid.

“This is a baby, Reyna!” Lyra also did not approve of this as well. We had no time as we needed to a plan fast.
“ I know, but nothing will happen to him as I will be the one removing that darkness.” I did not know her that well, and I could not say I can trust with my son even though she's my sister, but I had to take that chance.

“ I want you to remove now, I will not risk my son being taken and locked away forever for magic he is born with.” I needed to trust that she would not harm her flesh and blood.

“Lina this is not safe.” Lyra warned me, but everything we did was a risk, and I was risking everything here. The thought of it scared me, but I would never allow my son to grow up alone.

“Why don't you think about this first before actually doing it.”Gideon showed concern about this.

“I think we should do this father, if not, we will forever be on the lookout for witches coming for our son.” Aaron finally spoke, and he had agreed with me, things got to be a bit hectic as we all feared the consequences of removing magic from once soul.

Alpha Gideon shook his head and settled back in his chair, Lyra did not like this one bit as she paced in the room. I needed to trust in the spirit of the wolf within Asher. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and it was Mason trying to calm me down as I was out and lost in my thoughts. Aaron shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he pushed his brother's hand off my shoulder. He gave him a death look, and he was not fond of him being around me.

“at the witching hour, we will start the ceremony.” Reyna looked at me and Aaron and the desire for my mate was written in her eyes, and he was the first man she came across in Helium, but was there more to it.

“Eve…" Aaron pulled me by the arm and we left the room. He was angry, and he walked really fast, we stood in the backyard near a tree.
“I have never been with Reyna and your thoughts Eve don't you trust me.”

He was able to read me like a book and I was jealous. I did not like how close he was with Reyna." She likes you Aaron, my sister…" I placed my hands on my waist and I finally understood why she wanted to help Asher, she was doing it for him.

“Since we're here talking about likes and shit, tell me what happened between you and Mason when I wasn't here.” it hurt me to hear him ask me that, but I realized that's how he felt when he read my thoughts. I hurt him too. I looked at him and somehow I found him amusing as I started laughing like I got a few loose screws.

“My sister and your brother simply envy us. They like what we have and wish it for themselves too.” it was normal to wish for things you did not have and Reyna was locked away far too long. She needed a man of her own to forget about mine and Mason needed to find his mate to actually feel true love.

“Eve this is not funny if you ever doubt me…" I walked up and kissed him softly. I ran my fingers in his hair.

“I know, and it won't happen ever.” stared at me and I felt red looking back up at him.

“I am close to her because she's like a little sister to me now.” It was normal for him to feel like that she is my sister.

“Mason took care of me when you weren't here.” he wrapped his arms around me.”he needs to find his mate.”
Love like this was beautiful and only mates understood each other and there could still be misunderstanding between couples, but it was easy with a mate.

The end is near!
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