Chapter 25

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I could not explain myself and my behavior for today or what had set the magic in me to reject my body and I suffered the loss of a friend and here I could not comprehend how it all happened so fast, this wasn't part of the plan I knew dealing with anthers magic was a dangerous thing, and it was supposed to do me harm and not my friends and I had put Clara in a comma with my actions. She had always been like an older sister to me guiding me, protecting me and always fed me. This was what the magic cost me, a sacrificial of sister love. Clara was stuck between the world of dead and living, in order to bring her back I  needed a dead man's spell which was too dark and dangerous. I picked on my index fingernail as it bruised and oozed. I needed to be punished for what I did, and I needed to blame someone as my heart was pained, and I was sitting on remorse. Clara laid there looking pale, her lips parted, and I sat next to her, tears running down my cheeks and I had been here for hours in hopes should would awake.

We accomplished capturing Rodger. He was locked up in the basement and we put the mountain ash into used to keep him from breaking out. He should have been the one laying here and not Clara, he was to blame for this. I had to make choices I wasn't comfortable with to protect the world from an evil man like him. Kalidah's book of magic was still embedded within my core; I needed this magic gone as I was afraid of hurting another person I now understood how Kalidah was so lonely even in her last moments as this magic destroyed her and anything she loved, leaving her all alone with it and I would rather not end up like her as her power was her weakness it shattered her into a million piece, yet everyone envied her magic not knowing how bad it was to wheel this much magic.

“Lina you cannot beat yourself up like this. She's not. dead, she will awake.” Si and Lyra came and sat beside me. I felt her pulse. She was hanging by a thread, and she was in. between this was my fault.”she's dying.” I could not stop crying, her magic was alive in me and I couldn't even return it to her as she would die right there as it would reject her mixed with mine.” Lina don't talk like that, please have faith right now Clara is fighting to come back to us.” Sia pulled my hand in hers and Lyra too, but I pulled my hands away from them, I did not trust myself the magic in me was dark, and it fed on other's magic to keep itself alive in me.

“It's still there, I don't want to hurt anybody anymore." I was the reason my mother left, and my grandmother never told me why, so now I am getting to understand that I am cursed.” You did not do this deliberately kalidah's magic did this. anyone would have been harmed even you yourself." Lyra grabbed my face. She looked at me for a moment before burying me in her arms, They were the family that kept me sane all these years and I loved them heartedly. Sia too joined in a group hug, we stayed like that for a moment. I needed to shower and regulate myself. Aaron was returning soon. He could not find me like this as it would hurt him and I did not want to worry anyone, any more, especially not him.

I left and went to clean myself up. I sat there in the bathtub until the water was cold and my skin crinkled. Furthermore, I needed to find out more about the dead man's spell and what I had to perform it. Only Agatha would know about this spell. Not only that, but I did not care about the consequences I would suffer for using forbidden magic, but I rather deal with that later on and save Clara. I freshened up and went to help Agatha and Annabelle in the kitchen, but Cynthia was there too I started wiping the dishes and packing them, and they all stopped what they were doing and stared at me like I was a ghost in the room.”what?” everyone carried on with whatever they were doing and ignore.

“Everlina I am sorry you had to suffer the magic with every person the magic would have affected them differently with your friend being in a comma I don't know if there's even a way to help her out.” that was the last thing I needed from Annabelle was an apology for something that was beyond her, but a solution would be better.”what if I told you I think there is a way?” Agatha spun around at my words.”how so tell me?” I was skeptical of telling them, as I knew very well that I would need to convince them, and that was a very difficult to do with witches.” Dead man's spell.” They all froze at my words, looking at one another, Cynthia's face paled with fear while Agatha shook her head.” No way, count me out. I can't. it too risky and too dangerous.” for the past couple of weeks my life had been nothing but making risky and decisions dangerous and one of them had led me here, so this was nothing new.”everything we did so far has been nothing but dangerous." Agatha closed the pot she was stirring, and I needed her aboard with my mission to save Clara.

“Do you even know  why it's called the dead man's spell? You would have to be dead to contact the world of the dead and if anything does not go right, you die in our world and live in theirs, this is too perilous.” I knew that too well, and I knew that Agatha deep down wanted to do the spell as she is a woman who enjoyed dwelling in dangerous matters, especially spells that were forbidden and the look in her eyes she knew that I already had her figured her out, and it frightened her.

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