39|Shubham is Missing

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Hey all , here is the next chapter. For all those who are wondering why Im not posting daily here is a life update, I am just back from a family trip to Tirupathi Ikr coincidence peaks just a few chapters before in this book I wrote chapters of Tirupathi visit and it happened for real and as you know the restrictions over there for electronic device usage and network issues were troubling me. I even posted Teri Bin Kya Jeena which I had completed writing days ago yesterday on the way home. So thats a small story behind not posting daily

Now lets go to the chapter . Target votes 85+ to post next one

Have a happy reading


Kartik walked out of his office at around midnight. As he took out his mobile to message Naira he was shocked to find plenty of missed calls from Swarna. Sensing something wrong he called Swarna who picked the call within a ring

"Maa..." he said

"Kartik...kahan tha tu? Yaha tera bhai ghayab hai aur tum phone bhi nahi utha rahe ho" said Swarna

"Bhai ghayab hai matlab? Shubham ko kya hua maa?" Asked Kartik while his mind was racing with thoughts

"While we were on the way from the Singhanias your papa and Shubham had an argument and your brother got down from the car in the mid way. Mujhe laga tha ki woh ghar aajayega par as time passes my heart is getting impatient for him. He is not even picking up his phone...kuch karo na" Swarna started sobbing

"Maa...mein dhoondhke laata hoon usse...aap shaanth hojayiye" said Kartik and he disconnected the call

"Rajiv Khakha ghaadi nikhaliye na" he said his voice trembling as he dialled Shubham's number

"Sir...sab teek?" Asked Gautham as he sensed the tremor in Kartik's voice

"Damn it...this boy will never pick up his mobile when its needed...kahan ho tum Shubham" scoffed Kartik

"Shubham....whats it sir?" Asked Gautham

"Woh Shubham...is missing he hasn't gone home yet..maa bohot pareshan hai..he is not even picking his phone..." said Kartik wiping the droplets of sweat from his forehead. He used to sweat a lot while under tension and that was happening now.

"Sir...mein bhi aapke saath aatha hoon lets search for Shubham together..Im sure nothing would have happened to him , he would be just stress eating in a dhaba as usual" said Gautham

Shubham and his issues were nothing new. He had inherited Manish's temper just like Kartik but his ways of dealing with it was entirely different. Whenever at his peak temper he would eat lots of spicy food or hear sad songs to cry and soothe his temper. Knowing this very well Kartik too hoped it was the same this time and just as Gautham said Shubham was in some dhaba. But his heart was not at peace. He felt as if something wrong was gonna happen. His mind ridiculed his heart and encouraged him nothing was gonna happen . Finally gathering himself he got into the car along with Gautham and Rajiv khakha. They started their hunt for Shubham.


Rohan was driving Naira to her hospital for the emergency ward duty . Naira was on call with Suhana while Rohan was busy driving

"Im sorry yaar Naira I know you have fasted since morning for jeej and you must be tired but our unit has to take charge of emergencies today and no one else in our unit is available right now and Im here in our ward" said Suhana

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