100K ❤️🥳

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We have hit 100K , all thanks to you guys for making this happen. Without you guys this would not have been possible.  It has been one year since we began this journey of Teri Ada, and with each day your support and love to this story has been growing ❤️ thank you so much for that. Im really grateful for the love you guys have showered on me and this book. Please keep supporting and keep loving.

Reaching 100K milestone right before the new beginning of Kaira's life and a new shade of this story is really very special for me. Ill promise to try my best to give you a good reading time here. Now the post wedding life of Kaira with more romance,  some action and loads of love is gonna come up. Hope you guys will enjoy the upcoming tracks just like how you have enjoyed it so far...

With all said, thank you once again for making 100k happen...❤️❤️❤️

Loads of love

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