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"I overheard you mention that you were pregnant. Taehyung, didn't you hear him?" While some time had passed since the event that had taken place, Namjoon was unable to let go of what he had heard, and Hoseok remained unwilling to acknowledge him.

Taehyung hissed as he walked away from the two of them. He had more important things to attend to than caring about who was pregnant. Since it wasn't Seokjin, he wasn't interested in it all. All that mattered to him was receiving the results of the background check he had requested for the new physician who had taken over responsibility for treating his husband.

When he saw a nurse walking toward Jin's room, he hurried up and followed her. He didn't want anyone to be around his husband when he wasn't there. He also didn't know why the nurse was there when Jin was still asleep.

"What's the reason for your visit?" he asked the nurse as soon as he entered the room behind her.

She was taken aback by his tone, and she quickly turned to face him before asking, "Mr. Kim Taehyung, hello, and how are you doing today? I came to make sure everything was well with your husband."

"He is doing the same as five minutes ago when another nurse came by. I also want him to be able to continue to rest without being disturbed often; hence, if the purpose of your visit was only to check on him, you are free to go."

The nurse's eyes widened as she said, "Sir, I need to check his vitals to ensure he is recovering healthily. Because he had some blood loss earlier, the attending physician has instructed us to check on him frequently to verify that his recovery is proceeding normally."

"Isn't it your fault why he lost a lot of blood, and why wouldn't his recovery proceed normally? Did you do something to him?"

"I-I was not present during his delivery. On the other hand, I'm here right now to be of service and make sure he gets the care he needs-"

"He does not need your assistance in caring for him in any way. The only thing I need at this point is for the new physician to be here while he is awake so we can discuss his care and determine how long he will need to remain here. If you are interested in doing your work, you may be helpful to me by taking care of my sons."

"Mr. Kim, I-"

"Taehyung, please stop being so difficult and let the nurse do her job."

Taehyung swung around to gaze at his husband, who had also surprised him when he spoke. He immediately approached Jin and asked, "you are awake, right?"


"How are you feeling?"

"I am okay. Where are they?"

Taehyung leaned over the bed and kissed Jin's lips, "why didn't you wait until I came back?"


"Nothing. When we get home, we'll talk about it. I think you asked how the babies are doing, and they are fine. They looked a little hungry, but the doctor said they were fine and their weight wasn't a problem, even though they arrived earlier than planned. They are in some glass crates, and I cannot touch them. I don't want to, though, because they look fragile and should stay for a while."

Jin's eyes were filled with tears as he looked at Taehyung after he told him about their babies. It made him worry about how healthy they were.

"All three of the babies are doing well. As a preventive measure, we are closely monitoring them in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The medications you were prescribed after you arrived have been of great assistance in facilitating their development. Their weights, for triplets, are likewise within the typical range, so there is no need for worry in this regard.

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