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"Yoongi wants you to know that he's sorry. He mentioned that he hopes this doesn't make you feel disappointed or doubt his ability to babysit Jungkook in the future. Oh, and he mentioned that he's already booked an art class next weekend, and he's planning to take Jungkook with him." Taehyung, with his presence on the opposite side of the kitchen counter, uttered to Jin after he had finished talking to Yoongi.

Jin glanced up from his task and directed his gaze toward Taehyung. He was displeased that his son had acquired a wide range of offensive language. He had spent considerable time trying to get Jimin to refrain from using profanity, only to find himself faced with the same issue with Jungkook.

What annoyed him most about the situation was that the adults around his children failed to exercise thoughtfulness in choosing their words, disregarding the impact it could have on the children.

He was also concerned about how society might perceive his children when he sent them to school. He knew they would come across those words at some point in their lives. However, he believed there was a specific time and place for everything. It was unbelievable how well his toddlers knew the words they did. Jimin knew immediately to point out that a bad word was spoken, not that he was surprised by Jimin, but still, he would rather it not be the case.

"I'm sure you know how strongly I feel about our kids using bad words, right? Since you're the one who keeps offering Yoongi's help to babysit Jungkook, I'll let you handle this. But, just a heads up, if I ever catch any of your friends or brother using foul language around our kids again, things aren't going to turn out so great for either of you. Being a mindful adult is not that difficult!

Also, why is Yoongi scheduling things to do with Jungkook without first asking us? I don't want Jungkook to be at his house every weekend. He has a home."

Taehyung was aware that Jin would be upset before he said anything. He had not expected Jungkook to come home cursing. Although he was aware that Yoongi tended to use foul language, he understood that it was not deliberate.

"Yeah, I talked to him and made it clear that he can't keep using those words around Jungkook. He was feeling really bad and mentioned that he wanted to show Jungkook that he could be a better uncle from now on. By the way, he did ask me if he could take Jungkook next weekend. I told him yes.

I was thinking that since Jungkook likes being with him and Yoongi is getting along with him so nicely, it shouldn't be a big deal. Yoongi isn't a fan of kids, but he's got a soft spot for Jungkook. That would be helpful for us in the future, don't you think?"

Jin's eyes closed, and a sigh slipped from his lips before he reopened them. "Taehyung, I would appreciate it if you could involve me in the decision-making process regarding our children's activities in the future. It would be respectful to have a discussion with me beforehand. I had a great time with you yesterday and today, and I was hoping we could plan to spend time together next weekend with our kids and do something fun with them. Now, that won't be because you gave permission to Yoongi to take Jungkook next weekend."

Taehyung walked over to where Jin was standing and positioned himself behind him. He slowly wrapped his arms around Jin, embracing him from behind, and kissed his cheek sweetly. "I apologize for my actions. I did not think before acting. No need to worry; we can still do what you want next weekend. I believe it's a fantastic idea, and I had no idea you were thinking along those lines. I'll let Yoongi know he should reschedule his plans with Jungkook for the weekend after that. Will that work?"

Jin smiled and nodded, saying, "Thank you, and yes, that will work."

Taehyung's face lit up with a smile, reflecting his overwhelming happiness at successfully improving the situation. He felt a strong sense of anticipation when he learned that Jin had been thinking of the idea of engaging in activities as a family.

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