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"Big belly!"

When Jin picked up Jimin away from Hoseok, he swiftly encircled Jimin in his arms and mumbled an apology, "I am very sorry. He has a tendency for uttering the first thing that pops into his head."

"Don't worry about that," Hoseok said with a grin as he sat across from Jin in the restaurant where they had planned to meet at the mall. "After all, he is Taehyung's son."

"You are right. So, how are you? I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner, but it's been-"

"There is no need for you to provide an explanation or apologize. I can't even begin to fathom what you must be going through right now. Even though Namjoon and I are not married, the information that he has been paying for sex and engaging in those activities has forced me to distance myself from him. Yet, the fact that I am pregnant and without nobody to talk to is a huge source of frustration for me. It's exactly what I had been avoiding."

After a brief pause, Jin said, "it is difficult. Nonetheless, I believe that you and Namjoon will be able to reach an understanding. It seems like none of it has any truth behind it, right? Would he give up cash for some sex?"

"I have no idea. He assured me it was not true, but I was unsure what to think. I don't trust him, Seokjin. Both he and Taehyung are the same. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that I'd assume they are brothers. I should have gone with Yoongi. Although he is friends with them, he is much more respectable than they are."

Jin couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"Yoongi was also mentioned in the media. I am unsure as to whether or not he is different. It seems like a unique friend group if you ask me." Jin responded and glanced at his son seated next to him. He smiled broadly as he saw Jimin intently drawing in the coloring book that had been given to him by their server.

"He is! When I saw him in a relationship in the past, he was dedicated to it. Something that Taehyung and Namjoon are unable to connect with."

Jin sighed and said, "to be honest, I am not trying to pursue a divorce from Taehyung because of what happened with that news. While it does irritate me, it is not the primary factor in my frustration. Several things between us contribute to the difficulties that we experience in our marriage. I don't feel-"

"Let me guess, he is a jerk, doesn't help with the children, controls everything you do, and probably abuses you verbally and physically. Believe me when I say that none of it comes as a surprise to me. He takes after his father in many respects. I have no idea how you wound up with him, but it's for the best that you're breaking up with him. He deserves to be left.

Namjoon is a piece of trash who sleeps with several people, but he has never been the kind to harm me or say anything disrespectful. We have not been with each other long enough for me to declare that he has cheated, but his reputation is enough to keep me away. I always beat myself up for letting things get to this point with him.

It's not like I was clueless about who he was; I was aware of that. This is not the first time we have attempted something, and it has failed, but I am here because of my stupidity and poor choice. The dumbest person of the century."

Jin cast a glance in the direction of his son. He was aware of his presence and wanted to make certain that his son was not concentrating on anything that was being said since Jin was well aware of how much Jimin absorbed everything that was spoken around him. As he saw that he was still working on his coloring book, he moved farther away from him and leaned closer to the table while speaking to Hoseok in a tone that was nearly as quiet as a whisper.

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