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Jin had yet to learn where he was going with Taehyung since he was not informed of any of the details, and he would have appreciated being told in advance that Jimin was to go to Taehyung's parents' home. He did not like it when Taehyung made decisions about Jimin without discussing it with him first. It bothered him a lot, but he didn't want to say anything, and Taehyung misunderstood it.

After feeling Taehyung's hand on his thigh, he turned his head to gaze in that direction. As they were driving towards the city, his attention had been concentrated on the night scenery.

"Why are you so quiet?" Taehyung questioned as he gently stroked his hand against Jin's inner left thigh.

"Sorry. I was thinking."

"Thinking about where I am taking you?"

"Yes." The thought had crossed his mind, but his thoughts had been more filled with Jimin than where they were going.

"We are going to dinner. This is the first time we are going out like this in public. I hope you don't make me question my decision. Always maintain close proximity to me and suppress every desire to engage in conversation with other people. There is a possibility that people may spot us and snap photographs, but you should disregard such individuals. You also did good by wearing that jacket. I don't think anyone will be able to tell that you are pregnant, and I prefer it that way. After you have Jungkook, I will then make the news public. Since I am 100% certain he is my kid, I have no problem sharing the news with others."

Jin had heard everything Taehyung had said, but most of it didn't matter to him. One thing bothered him about Jimin, so he tried to ask about it. "Will you ever consider Jimin like you do Jungkook? I'd love it if you did because he's first. He helped make this happen. I don't think there would be any of us if not for the situation and him."

There was silence from Taehyung. He removed his hand from Jin's thigh and replaced it on the steering wheel. He continued to drive. Because he was silent for a time, Jin became apprehensive that he had communicated too much.

After ten minutes had passed without a word, Taehyung finally decided to react. "I am glad you can look at it the way you do. I'm unsure whether I'll ever be able to look at him in that light. It's not true that Jimin is my son-"

"How can you say that?" It pained Jin's heart to hear those words from Taehyung.

"Because I fucking know it, Seokjin! You are the only fucking guy I have ever had sex with without a condom. I always check the condoms after. You have no fucking idea how thorough I have been. If Jimin is mine, that guy intentionally did something to get pregnant. Either took my sperm from the condom after I left or something. I don't know, and I probably won't ever fucking know. So no, I can't see Jimin the way I see our Jungkook."

"I don't believe Jimin should have to go through any hardship for anything. He is young. I am clueless about what transpired between you and the other parent. Even I won't be able to find out the truth since it's in your words and-"

"You don't trust my words?"

Jin cleared his throat and said, "No, that's not what I'm saying. What has happened is a mystery to me. The only thing I am certain of is that whatever took place brought me here. If Jimin didn't exist, we wouldn't have been married, and I certainly wouldn't be expecting a child right now. Jimin was the catalyst for the transformation in my life."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing for you that your life changed because of Jimin?"

"I can never look at it in a negative light, and I hope you can shift the way you think about it and change how you see him. The fact that you held him and connected with him today brought a smile to my face."

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