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"Pshaw!" the blue eyed boy huffed at you while you just shrugged towards him continuing to tune your old, wooden ukulele "It's true."

"Oh yeah? How would you know?" he jabbed a finger into your side, you jumped away from him and rolled over to the side.

You frowned and sat back up to face him again. "I know because it's true!" You retorted. He raised his brow at you skeptically "Oh yeah? Who told you that?" You felt yourself look away, sort of unsure "Um... My dad..?" You said through a shy grin. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest "Yeah okay, sure. You believe your dad who is known for lying."

"What? I think it's true..." You looked back to him for a moment. "Don't believe me?" you asked and strummed the little instruments strings.

Your breath floated to the air quietly and you snuggled into your winter jacket that covered multiple other sweaters a bit more. The air was a bit crisp since it had only just snowed and there was only a thin little layer of snow on the ground. You had no doubt it was going to snow again soon and with much more severity.

His eyes were cool and unamused "Not in the slightest." he sat still in his thin red zip up and a happy little toque with reindeer prancing all around his head, the ear flaps and thick strings hung from it limply and his bright blond hair poked out from the back of the hat.

His attire clashed with his current attitude.

"Alright Mr. Non believer! Let's go! And you'll see just how wrong you are!" you chirped and got off the cool ground, patting off all possible snow from your rump.

"Fine! Let's go! Let's find the monsters! Let's see if humanity is secretly even more terrible!" The light skinned boy said and stood to his feet. You quickly grabbed the zig zag patterned back pack and began to walk towards the lone mountain.

"Hey Ike! I made a song for you!" you strummed the little strings lightly. "Oh joy." he chuckled to himself "are you ready?" you asked with a little smile "yes I'm ready."

"I don't think you are but you know I'll roll with it."

You cleared your throat and roughly began to rip along the notes "Fuck this shit I'm out!"

Ike's eyes widened with surprise at your sudden outburst.

"Mm mm! Fuck this shit I'm out! Ah No Thanks!"

He tried to keep a straight face and fought back a smile.

"Don't mind me, I'ma just grab my stuff and leave. 'scuse me please"

He didn't bother to try and look disappointed, he began laughing his head off. His laugh was contagious because soon after he started you did too, you fought the giggles, making your words come out strange.

"Fuck this shit I'm out. HhmnNoPe!"
"FuCK this shit i'm out! AlRight thennnnniii" your voice travelled off into a high pitched squeak, you couldn't finish the song and you began to laugh too.

"What the fuuhha ha... ha.." Ike could barely breath and stumbled as he walked, both of you leaned on each other for balance but couldn't quite stable out so you both fumbled around aimlessly up the mountain.


"How long do you think we have to walk till we get there? So then I can laugh at you, say told you so and leave?" Ike whined, dragging his feet behind you as you played a sweet little melody. "I'm sure it's not too long now" you smiled back at him, over your large hood.

The sky was a pale blue that complimented the naked silver trees and the fluffy dark green ones. The farther up you went and the thinner the air and the thicker the snow. Soon Ike began to shiver against the still air.

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now