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All of your comments keep making us smile and squeal, literally, we both cried a couple times! Thank you so so so much for all the kind words and feedback and reaching 1k In just a month of writing! We really cannot thank you enough!


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Talk spread about you, the second human. Older than the other, just as kind, but definitely not as safe.

Rumors had bubbled across the whole underground about your outburst towards the mysterious flower foe.

In fact, it had become such a popular subject it reached all the way back to the ruins.

And unfortunately, everyone knew.

.•* .•* .•* .•*

I sat quietly in my demolished home. The fire that had engulfed it from my cooking session before was extinguished thanks to the many woshuas.

I twirled a blue spear in my hand.

Another human? But this one does pose a threat, at any moment they could go bazerk, and completely destroy everything and everyone who stands in their way.

I stood from the chair that was about to fall apart, my whole home was frail from the fire. It smelt like burnt wood and a slight sent of overcooked spaghetti, everything was black with soot and ash, any more stress on it, it would crumble.

This human was not like any human I've ever heard of.

My spear twirled and left a blue light trail from where it cut along the air. Clutching the lengthy weapon in an instant as my anger grew.

This is no longer about escaping the underneath, it's about keeping the monsters of the underground out of harms way in their own home!

With a loud growl I threw my spear at the wall, it started to Crack and let dim light inside the pitch black room, becoming the only other light besides the glowing spear. More cracked quickly snapped through the damaged walls with the sound of low crackling.

In mere moments the wall fell in upon itself, which set off a chain for the rest of them. They all fell to the ground, becoming useless rubble as a thick dust flew into the air around me.

I call my spear back and in evaporated from where it was on the ground to in my hand with a tight grip around it in less than a second. A sneer broke my emotionless face. "Watch out human, because I'm coming for you."

*•. *•. *•.*•.

"How much longer until we're outta here?!" you stressed the subject much over the past hour and a half. It had been hours of walking around with everything looking the same. The colour scheme of (to your knowledge) Waterfall, had grown tiresome and not as pleasant as one would think of having just walked in the place. Absolutely everything was getting on your nerves, even the once admired Echoflowers had become increasingly difficult to stand, or the sound of the rocky earth beneath your feet rolling and crunching from so much walking.

The repetitive sound of one step, two step, one step, two step, UGH!!

Sans even had to hold you back from strangling one.
What was with you and flowers?

With an exasperated sigh, Froggit answered "Did you forget Sans stopped talking to you because of that question already?"

You shot Sans an unappreciative glance but he ignored it by staring straight ahead, continuing on with the journey with seemingly no problems at all.

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