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Due to popular vote it's has been decided that you will destroy Papyrus' newfound determination [we hope you all understand this has a very heavy impact on the story because we planned two branches off the story based on this...]
Enjoy your choice

Also I drew a doodle inspired by this comment, :3 you'll see it next chapter since this one is kinda heavy [Rainfall]


Destroy Papyrus' newfound determination?

[*yes] [no]

Your heart beat in your throat as you made your choice and looked up at the tall skeleton with part pride, part pity and part guilt. You cared for Papyrus, but you figured he wouldn't have a future if he died. "Pap... You... It's just that... I-I don't--" this was proving to be more difficult then you thought.

Papyrus looked down to you who stood before him "WHAT IS IT HUMAN Y/N?"

You took in a deep breath to calm your nerves and hopefully give you some sort of composure. "It's most likely best if you don't fight. So please don't."

Papyrus laughed over your sentence "HEH HEH HEH!!! OH THE SENSE OF HUMOUR HUMANS HAVE!!" He bellowed while holding what would be a gut but was just the fabric of his hero costume. Sans eyes widened at you as if to ask 'what do you think you're doing?' But you just looked down and frowned, your concerned gaze turned quickly into the most icy glare you could ever have mustered. You looked up at the tall skeleton "I will not allow you to, you'll just get in the way."

Papyrus' joyous laughing stopped abruptly, making the small circle formed with the monsters you knew grow quiet, Sans was completely taken aback by your harsh and blunt words to his brother. A heavy silence clung to the air the six of you all breathed, breathing seemed to be the only thing anyone dared to do. Papyrus' determination-filled eye sockets became less inflated with his over the top confidence, you could feel your words chip away at what he had only recently gained. You grimaced at it, but knew you had to keep going.

"B-BUT, Y/N. I THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE HAPPY TO HAVE ANOTHER FRIEND HELPING YOU." He said confused and slightly saddened. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from apologizing. "Papyrus, we need a useful friend to fight alongside with you ar-"

Sans shook his head and growled out while glaring at you "Pap don't listen to them. They don't know what they're talking about!" He hissed out as a warning to you, making Papyrus look to him. But you didn't not yield "No Papyrus!" You said sternly grabbing his scared gaze once again "You can't live in this dream world anymore! You need to put the risks into account, Because if you don't you'll get yourself killed!--" You pointed to where the other four monsters stood, Undyne was seething at the way you were speaking to him, Whimsun was covering her mouth in horror, and Froggit looked utterly confused, since he was usually the asshole. And Sans... His eyes harboured a distinct look, one you hadn't seen since he had threatened you at Grillbys over the bar...

You continued despite your heart aching, desperately wanting to jump out of you and throw itself into a hole to die. "--And put the ones you care about in deaths way because you were just too god damn RECKLESS!! KNOW YOUR LIMITATIONS BEFORE YOU KILL SOMEONE!!!" You screamed in his face, only then you realized the tears welling in your eyes. You'd just unintentionally spoken all your grief for Ike's death, you knew it was flowers fault, but your heart felt it was yours. All this time you were putting the blame on the flower but really, you were at fault too. You were the one that wanted to be right about the monsters and didn't even think that they may be dangerous, you were the one who made him go up the mountain, you were the one that didn't watch where you were going and put Ike into a dangerous place that ultimately killed him.

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