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This is the first chapter I've written in this book completely on my own... kinda sad but I'll try and make it nice and... Good.

Good luck to you then.


Your dreams were hauntingly empty, but it was hardly restful. Your mind was all over the place, thinking about how terrible the fight with Flowey would be, the possibility of you dying, Undyne quite possibly being the one to kill you.

It was the least comfortable sleep you'd ever had, and sleeping on the window sill did not help. Your head kept lulling over to the side like and annoyingly half waking you. It reminded you quite a bit of trying to fall asleep in a car.

You were probably half awake all night, but you couldn't complain too much because whenever you did you saw Sans sleeping soundly right next to you. He was well experienced in sleeping places that weren't all that comfy so he slept like a rock.

Clank! Clank! Clank! Clank!

"Wake up you wimps!"

You jumped right out of your sleep (that felt more like a prolonged daze) and frantically sat up out of Sans arm.

Once you had done that the skeleton no longer had anything to lean on and he flopped down to his side and his head landed harshly on the large sill behind you.

You blinked wildly, trying understand where you were as Sans groaned lowly behind you.

The clanking got got more intense and Sans bunched up the blanket over where his ears would be. You frowned and looked around at the dimly lit hallway, light was barely pouring in yet.

How is there even light down here.

You thought groggily.

The fish -- who was fully dressed in her newly polished armour-- stomped around banging pots together with the rest of the guards who didn't look all that awake either due to their sluggish movements.

She made her way down and slowly everyone stirred, slowly getting up, yawning and rubbing their eyes.

When she made it to you she paused for a moment, realizing you were awake, however she disregarded that and smashed the pots together in front of your face "Get up Human!!" She yelled through a mischievous look.

You recoiled, scrunching up your nose "I'm up Undyne." You growled menacingly. Let's just say you were not a morning person and this was probably one of the worst mornings you'd experienced thanks to her.

She smirked and you held back the urge to push her face away from you. Instead you simply nudged Sans gently in the side, earning another groan and he lazily swung his hand in the air that ended up just pushing against your cheek, then to your shoulder then it flopped back to his side.

Undynes eyes widened at this "Sans!" She hollered. He shot up, but it was sort of slow since his legs went up to and made him fall back again.

"Yeah, yeah! I'm up." He muttered gruffly and finally sat up, rubbing his eye socket with the heel of his palm. "What's shakin'?" He asked casually with a tired grin. The blue fish thinned out her eyes then not so subtly gestured to you with one of her metal covered hands and wide eyes as if saying 'Really?!'

He looked over at you and jumped a bit as if he didn't know you were there "Woah! A human!" He smiled lazily up at her "Good find Undyne!"

She seethed and grit her teeth "Really Sans?! You're actually gonna sit there and treat this like it's a joke? This human isn't our friend!" Her words were laced with frustration as she flung her arms up.

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now