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[[Warning]] this chapter contains a bit of gore. K? K.


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All the monsters stood there, unsure what to do, except Undyne. She climbed to her feet and charged at you.

You skipped towards Undyne with a manic smile on. She tried to stab you but you lazily swung your silver spear 'round and parried the attack, then slashed at her with an attack of your own, cutting a deep gnash in her scaley blue cheek.

"UNDYNE!" Dr. Alphys squeaked her body trembled, She had her eyes in her little claw-like hands and frightened tears rolled down her round cheeks.

Froggit scrambled back into Sans' leg, getting his hand stuck in his shin, making Froggit cringe in disgust.

Sans' didn't even care, he was still just aghast that you had attacked Undyne, he was shaking, afraid to do anything and did not know what he should do, it was scary to think of hurting you or defending you. "Y/n! Get a hold of yourself!" He yelled in anger.

Chara kept on the offence, slashing left and right with an insane thirst for blood. Undyne was doing a good job of blocking, dodging and was able to perri a few blows, but she was getting tired and the clanging of energy on silver was becoming numbingly loud.

You swung the spear to Undyne's head with the speed of lightning, but she ducked and rolled to the side swiftly. A growl rumbled from her throat and she stabbed at your head, you easily moved to the right, causing her to skim past you and made herself venerable. You grinned and punched the back of her head and her body toppled to the ground, her spear was thrown across the hot, dusty land.

You neared, she glared.

She beckoned the sharp and dangerous energy back just as you stepped into her reach. Her blue spear teleported back into her grip and she swiped one more time with incredible speed and strength she swiped it across to your ankle slicing your foot off as if it were warm butter.

You stumbled slightly but stayed standing and kept your pace towards her as a deep rouge painted a thick layer of itself along the dry land, beading on the dust in little red pools, leaving the severed foot behind.

She watched in horror as you stepped before her, your face displayed no pain or anger, or any emotion for that matter. It was terrifying. Your own blood traveled outwards in every direction and dampened Undyne's armour and herself as it seeped through the armours openings.

She was paralyzed at your feet, well... foot.

You raised the weapon, high above your head, your red eyes glinted boldly as Undyne stared into them, her own fear restricted her.

Alphys saw what was about to unfold before her eyes. Undyne's head would be split in half, and without her, everyone will be killed, without her hurt for Alphys to think about. "UNDYNE!!!" She screamed.

The fish's eyes widened as she was brought back to reality. Undyne tried to do a last second dodge, leaning her body to the left. But with one final slash you dug the spear deep inside of Undyne's shoulder. She screamed, the sound of her anguish caused a sick and twisted smile to curl onto your lips. All the other monsters stood still, wide eyed, surprised, terrified as you kept the now hot metal deep in her wound, the popping and gooshing sounds from her torn flesh echoed over the dead, orange themed land.

But she refused to go out just yet. With one more burst of strength Undyne gripped the sharp blade and slid its agonising pain across her mutilated flesh in an instant, bringing you closer.

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