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There was a sleepy moment of hanging around at the base of the trees trunk because you had begun to dose off dreamily, your head had ended up resting itself on Sans shoulder and Sans was having trouble staying awake with his hard head staying atop yours. He has given your head a few gentle kisses (at least that's what it seemed like, since he didn't actually have lips, it was basically just teeth being pushed on you) as you had finally lost consciousness.

A dream bubbled into your mind. Another reality.

You had made it to the top of a tree Ike was supposed to chop down and most likely pull get hounded for not doing it by his employer, but strangely non of his employers or his fellow employees were there, heck not even the squirrels that always throw stuff at everyone were there. It was dead silent. There was only the sound of shuffling around you made trying to spot anyone around.

The beat of your own heart sounded like cannon shots to you, echoing through the valley and over the mountains to the other side.

All of a sudden the tree branch you were crouching on shook violently, getting your face to rub against many of the trees needles attached to the branch above you. You desperately clambered to the trees trunk and held on for dear life as your feet almost slipped off, but you managed to keep one hooked on the branch. You looked to the rest of the branch and saw Your blond friend brushing his wings off from pine needles. "Ike!" You said with a big smile. He looked at you as you wiggled your way back onto the tree's limb properly.

Ike flashed a silly little grin you absolutely adored then crossed his legs as he sat himself down on the branch with amazing balance but having a bit of a problem trying to fold his wings back up. "It never gets easier with these guys!" He said to you as he arched his back forward and pushing them with the back of his hands. You laughed and dove in to give him a tight hug, but it was sort of awkward since it was more of a side hug and that he had four snowy wings popping out of his back, but he was for it and hugged you back. You pulled away and kicked your feet back and forth "So, how's angel business?" He laughed lightly and shrugged "Well, it's actually been really good! I don't have any trees to cut down with a bunch of hairy and burly guys who make me feel like the little guy."

You laughed and ruffle his hair "but you are the little guy!" He grunted at your remark and playfully hit your hand away from him and looked out over the silent land. You mimicked him and looked out as well.

A the quietness of the area made you feel very uncomfortable, but not so much so you would get angry or too irritated.

You looked down at your feet then smiled and kicked out your foot, rolling up your pant leg "But look what I got!" You almost shouted, hoping for some sort of response to the noise from the forest, but alas, no avail, not even an echo.

Ike smiled half-heartedly at the brass foot with many pipes and what looked like mini hydraulics sticking out of your foot and trailed up your leg to your knee. He reached out a pale and gentle hand, touching the foot and your half metal leg, you shivered inwardly to his kind but cold touch making sure that he didn't see of feel you momentarily shake.

He sighed and pulled his hand away, allowing you to roll the clothing back over your mechanical limb. He looked back over the woods sadly, his blond hair seemed as if it were the sun, all the light was on the other side of his head, lighting up the many stray hairs and small locks on his head, his blue eyes shone in the light that outlined his strong jawline, the little hairs on the back of his neck and his chin, his slouching position and his new power white appendages. The trees green needles and branches seemed to frame him along with the pale blue sky of the cool, setting sun.

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now