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Puns were not the funniest thing you had ever come across, but for some reason they made you laugh. Only a little if they were really funny.

"Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a soda can?" a little laugh of anticipation shook through you as Sans handed you a can of soda "No. What happened?" you said, an undeniable smile grew on your face and you cracked the can open and brought it to your lips and took a sip. He grinned with his arm crossed over each other and his head resting atop them. His head tilted to his left to look at you.

"Well let's just say, he's lucky it was a soft drink."

But something about Sans saying them made it funnier then it should be.

You snorted and the bubbly liquid flew out your nose, followed by burning and uncontrollable laughter. You curled over your ukulele that sat nicely on your lap.

Sans started to snickered looking at you, he lost himself in laughter, like there was no tomorrow. His head down on the counter, slamming his boney fist on it in hilarious agony. Then he leaned back and smacked his hand on his forehead.

"Okay! Okay! I got one!" you said between giggles. Sans calmed down a bit when you cleared your throat "So I was mowing the lawn and there was a frog just hopping along" your hand hopped along the air "And he jumped right into the mower. I guess he wanted to kermit suicide!" you broke down into tears and hunched over.

Froggit looked disgusted in you and Sans only smiled with a questioning look drawn across his face as tilted his chair back "Kid, that... I don't... that's not funny." he said confused.

You kept your hyena laugh going, even if you knew the audience was not happy with the performance. "What's Kerm-"

Sans was cut off when he tipped his chair back a little too far.

You watched it all.

His eyes went wide in terror as he fell back. It went in slow motion, he tried to grab for something to regain his balance but he was unsuccessful.

He gasped as he saw your laughing face, his feet flew up and one slipper flung itself up off his foot. His back came into contact with the ground.

He laid there for a moment as you stopped laughing due to his lack of moment. Froggit perked up and watched the skeleton for any sort of sign of him being okay.

You frowned and stretched out your neck as far as you possibly could to try and see Sans face over his knees "Sans?"


A low snicker could be heard from behind Sans' knees and a wave of relief washed over your body, physically making you relax. Froggit seemed to do it too, but he started to laugh with Sans.

Their laugh was contagious and you began to laugh along with them both, soon turning into three laughing idiots.

Froggit laughed so hard he slipped off the ledge and landed flat on his belly, losing a bit of breath for the second time but quickly started up his laugh again, making you laugh even harder.

Tears formed in the corners of your eyes. You held your stomach helplessly and lost large amounts of breath.

Sans propped himself up on his elbows and let his legs push the chair away. He looked your way with an enormous grin, his shoulders shook from him laughing so hard.

You sat up from your laughing frenzy, but caught his white dots that played the part of eyes.

You both sort of slowed down your loud guffaw to slight erratic huffs and hums, only traces of laughter now and then.

You smiled gently at him your e/c eyes were soft, Sans cheek bone got a sparce bit blue on it, almost dust-like. He broke eye contact by averting his gaze to the ground next to him and chuckled nervously, putting a white bone hand on the back of his neck.

You slid your body off the huts booth ledge and pulled the chair out of the way. You offered your hand down towards him, he noticed and stared at it for a moment. He frowned a little and stood up himself, rendering your offer of help useless.

He stood in front of you at a bit under your eye level. "Well, Sans! I guess I'd better go, I keep getting distracted." you said matter-of-factly. He nodded once and said in an apathetic way "Yeah, I guess so huh?" with a rub of his sleeve under his nose he turned back towards the way you had recently came and walked, waving over his shoulder "See ya 'round kid." and shoved the free hand back in his pocket.

Just before you were about to turn away and leave as well he spoke up. "And be careful 'round this lady that looks like a fish, she's not safe for you to be around."

You nodded and turned away. Confusion washed over you.

Wait... he barely worked at all, in fact he didn't!

You were about to ask him why but once you spun back around he was nowhere to be seen. You bit the inside of your cheek and scanned the area. When you couldn't find Sans you sighed and slug the zigzag pattern pack over your shoulder.

As you adjusted the straps you noticed a strange feeling of amusement coming from someone else, you immediately snapped your eyes to Froggit who sat there with a wide grin and a raised brow "Was it just me or did I sense some chemistry between you two." His smug attitude earned an over the shoulder disapproving glare from you.

You faced away from him with a bit of red on your face, most likely from embarrassment or frustration.

The cool demeanor of the skeleton haunted your heart and his voice hung inside your brain, like a song stuck in one's head.

It agitated you how much he just 'hung around' in your mind like a lazy bum.

"Okay, let's go."

Probably the worst part about it is that he won't even give me a chance to be his friend, and yet were just all buddy buddy. We both had a good time in each others company right?

"Ugh." a flustered grunt and/or sigh bounced softly through the navy coloured surroundings and into the unknown.

You took a deep breath and set out "C'mon Froggit." he jumped out of the wooden hut and started to follow you again.

The thought of challange of becoming friends with Sans in the future fills you with determination!

hp maxed out.


Do you ever read the first sentence in the chapter ever?


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