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[[Warning]] Fluff?
Also, I'm very sorry for the long wait, it's just that I know what I'm going to do but I'm having problems putting it down in a way I like, so this one is extra long... Ish

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Sans stepped through the hole, somewhat unbalanced. He could feel his arms start to give out, but he held on to you as well as he possibly could because he didn't know when he would be able to hold you again. He attempted to squeeze through by shimmying sideways, you laughed at his sad attempts to get through the hole. He shot you a playful glare and stopped moving. You looked at him and sucked in your smile as uncertainty flooded you.

Before you could stop him he turned a little and bonked your head on the close up rock wall. "Ouch!" You hissed, clutching his sweater tightly in your fist. His grin turned a bit sly as his white, pinprick eyes "What? I thought everyone liked to get hit on once and a while." He said with a tiny shrug.

Your eyes thinned at his comment and his pun while you held the back of your head, sheltering it from any more possible puns Sans could throw at you. He just stared at you with an amused grin stretched across his cool, white face. You stared back coldly. He started to raise where eyebrows would be on him. You bit the inside of your cheek.

They started to go up and down quickly.

You clenched your jaw and held your breath keeping in a smile. His 'brows' started to wiggle. Your lips turned into a tight thin line. They wiggled faster making his eye sockets looked as if the top part of them were waving. A smile broke out on your face as you broke eye contact causing Sans to chuckle and nuzzled his head on the crook of your neck.

He was cold!

You gasped and reflexively slapped the top of his head and yelled out "COLD!! COLD SANS!!"

There were a few muffled ouches as he chuckled along, you were surprised you could do that without him getting angry and hurt you.

He kept his face buried in your neck until he was finally warmed up due to the contact to his skin, it was almost like he was hiding from you as he kept his face there. You rolled your eyes at him now calmed down, with your hand still on his smooth head. A warm breath escaped your lips heavily and your hand contently swept the top of his skull back an forth, almost comforting. Almost.

Until he opened his big mouth. "Huh..." He mumble as a little puff of air was pushed out onto you as if it were his breath. Your eyebrows knit themselves together in a confused frown "What?"

He turned his head to the side so his words could be heard more clearly "Oh it's nothing, I'm just surprised to see you in this neck of the woods." He waited a moment for your response. You groaned loudly and threw your head back "Sans!" You brought your head back up with a suppressed smile that was dangerously close to showing "You're trying too hard!" You said trying to hold back a giggle fit you were very ashamed of.

He squinted at you with an immovable smile "but you're smiling."

"Put me down." You said as flat as possible, trying to have an icy tone in your voice. Sans huffed and looked the other way, successfully putting your feet in contact with the ground despite the limited wiggle room. Your right foot clanked against the rock, it took you by surprise for a moment, you had forgotten it was there for the small amount of time you'd been awake.

Scooting through the tight squeeze wasn't as easy as you'd expected it to be, your chest and back started to get squeezed against the rocks making claustrophobia rush through your body in a moment of adrenaline but sadly your ribs had not yet fully healed from Sans beating the tar outta you and you gasped loudly, beginning to struggle your body through like a scared cat in the hands of a stranger, Sans seemed to find it funny as he watched you flail about.

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