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Yup... It's finally is updated... Hazah!!



A hiss of pain came from you as you stumbled back. Grillby perked up in concern and snuffed out the balls of fire laying in his palms. He hurried to your side.

Froggit frowned and hopped closer to you till he sat at your feet and was looking up "What's wrong with you? Grillby hasn't even attacked yet!" But as quick as you'd felt the pain in your head, it was gone.

Dizzily you blinked rapidly "I-I... It was just a head rush." You said looking all about. Grillby gave you an unsure look but you simply waved him off and stood tall again "Okay, let's do this." And with that you picked up your large, round shield with the purple crest of the monsters royalty on it and positioned it before you in a ready stance.

Grillby hesitantly stepped away again and got into a ready stance too. He gave you a worried look warily only making you smirk at him challengingly "What, scared I might kick your sorry ass?"

He frowned and shook his head slightly, starting to talk with his smooth, soft spoken voice "No, I'm just worried-" you cut him off by ramming the shield against his body, desperately wanting him to let it go. He seemed surprised but then shook it off and attempted to continue "Y/n you aren't going to shake me off so eas-" you bumped into him again.

"You can't distract me with th-" once again you pushed on his chest, prodding him on. "Y/n-" you did it again, then again when he was about to open his mouth. You smirked at him over your shield and his eyes thinned and he stopped trying to give you his preciously scarce words.

His hands enveloped in hot fire as he threw a quick ball at you, to which you blocked easily. "C'mon Grillby. What's the matter with you? It's like you're scared to get me mad or something."

He shrugged with a slight nod to which you realized that anyone would be scared to make you mad, you've got a fucking demon in your head.

"Oh right..."

He shook his head then threw a low fire ball and a stream of flames that he sent out to crash down on you. You rolled out of the way of the low flame then lifted your shield over your head, just barely blocking the scary blow.

You grinned and grabbed a rock, throwing it directly into his face, cracking his lenses and denting the frame which made them even worse off then they already were.

It took a moment before his rage kicked in, you weren't sure why you did that but using a shield against him was a good call. He shot out forceful bolts of fire that each pushed you back about a foot and made the shield start to get unbearably hot "I'm sorry Grillbyyy!!" You called through your slightly terrified laughter.

You managed well against him though. While his flames whipped around viciously, you were able to get away with only a few minor burns, which was considerably difficult due to his hella scary anger flames.

Undyne had even come by a few times just to make sure you hadn't died, all the while effectively cheering him on. There was a large goat man with her the last few times with a large red trident in his firm grim, you concluded that it was King Asgore due to the strength in his regal gaze along with the way he carried himself. It somehow gave you hope, and from what you could tell, he had the same effect on everyone else.

Anyway, In the end Grillby had won, and it wasn't that much of a surprise. The fight finished with him quickly raising both his firey arms above his head surrounding you in fire, it was hot and you could feel your skin drying out quickly by the intensity of the heat. This made it hard to chose which side to shield yourself from.

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