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You started to stuff your zigzag patterned backpack filled with clothes from Grillby, you hadn't asked him, but you knew he wouldn't mind. Froggit sat next to you, leaning his body against your backpack that was sittings on the bed in a lazy manner.

"Resorting to stealing eh Human?" he said, with his eyes closed. You ignored him and put in another pair of pants and a belt.

He casually opened one eye and peered over at you "Whimsun really likes it here y'know. You planning on abandoning her?" you kept your eyes fixated on your bag as frustration started rising inside of you "I'm not planning on abandoning anyone" you growled as the atmosphere around you seemed to get darker. You turned away to look for more clothes you could possibly fit. This damn frog had no idea when to quit.

"But you will if they get i-" you slammed your hands down on the wooden dresser, then your fists balled up "Why! Why do you insist that everything I do is meant to hurt someone?" the Froggit looked away from you rolling his eyes.

Your breath came out rugged and unsettled, your knuckles were now white and your nails dug into your palm. Rage drenched you and you had to focus on a certain pattern in the dressers grain to keep yourself from doing you'd regret. "If you dislike me so much why did you tag along and leave the fucking ruins?! To be an inconvenience? To slow me down?!" your words were venom and you spewed them at the Froggit who didn't dare to look at you.

The little green monster looked back at you with and equal amount of dark hatred residing in his eyes.

"The human who came here before you slaughtered my wife." he was blunt, and it sent the feeling hurt and surprise to shoot through you.

Say something?

[Yes] [*No]

What was nothing to say. If you apologized it wouldn't heal anything.

He sighed sadly as his glare dropped. "As stupid as it sounds, I want to avenge her." He frowned, but a light smile pulled on him as well with a little huff like laugh "But how can you hurt someone who is loved by everyone?" his gaze landed back on you and the smile disappeared "They killed her, and only her. She never trusted humans, and when she heard a human came down she began to panic. She said it would kill everyone but I thought she was just over exaggerating."

The Froggit looked numb as he turned and shifted away from you. "So she went out to be the first to confront the human, and when she tried to protect the others, she was killed. The human looked like they didn't know what they were doing when they did it but nonetheless... I was the only one who saw it happen, I was about to tell the others but they already had taken a liking to the human. So I decided to go after the only other one who would believe me and believe what the human did happened. The human itself."

It was silent for a few seconds, that bit of time moved sluggishly past.

Finally the froggit's tone seemed that of a scared child "I-I just want to know why... Why they did what they did." the littlest sob could be heard. You were speechless. He was in between sobs when he chocked out a few word in a surprisingly strong tone for someone so close to an emotional breakdown "So, do you really blame me for not trusting humans, for not treating them the way I would treat a fellow monster?"

You didn't. You couldn't, he was going through something just like you like when you first made contact with monsters, Ike was ripped from you in one terrible, unexplained act.

You sat down on the bed beside him and your bag, his weak attempts at holding back tears made you reach out to him and gently put two fingers on his cold back and pet him affectionately, full of understanding.

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now