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Hey Boo. Its me Rain, lol sorry I've been focusing on my other books for the past year. But don't worry about it because this one is long as fuck and I hope you like it

Also, things get a bit graphic mmkaaayy??
So just a heads up.

This chapter is a  B E H E M O T H, so be fucking ready for this long ass reading time.



A warm feeling rippled throughout your being from where the vine tore clean through your body, quickly followed by a cool numbness in pulsating waves. It almost felt as if you were composed of water.

Your eyes snapped open only to be met with a darkness you'd never known before. However the part of you that would make your nerves jump seemed as if it weren't working, the darkness bothered you very little, it was only the deafening silence that had you on edge when only moments prior you were quite literally in a war zone.

A warm glow on your left coaxed you out of your dazed state with a soft buzz. E/c meets with floating, comfortably lit rectangles that read; Reset and Continue. They seemed to be floating above a smooth floor that was incredibly well waxed. It's almost mirror like reflection made you feel like it may as well just be still water.

Unable to make complete sense of them you walked closer, every movement you made was easily heard through the deafening silence as you inspected them closely, careful not to touch either.

"Ahh, the ultimate power."

You jumped and whipped around, scanning the darkness all around both you and the glowing rectangles.

The voice was easy to identify, but it sounded much more real, it was no longer an echo in the back of your mind. You could hear it vividly around you.

"I'm so close to it getting to it, but it's all wasted on the likes of you."

Your eyes darted towards the sound you could now pinpoint and it sounded as if it were coming closer, on the side of you to farthest from the floating buttons. Footsteps began to be audible as they echoed on the quiet.

Straining your eyes in the general direction of the footsteps, you caught slight movement. You kept your eyes on it until it stepped out of the darkness, letting the glow illuminate just what you were trying to see.

There was a small child with big vermillion eyes and rosy pink cheeks. It was sort of hilarious to see that this little thing was Chara, you probably would have laughed if they hadn't been the murderous voice inside your head that continuously tormented you.

Actually... That really didn't deter you in any way at all.


You flung your head back while pointing at the small child humorously. "Y-You're like a beanie baby!" You wheezed, holding your gut tightly.

Chara sighed and shook their head almost in a disappointed parent kind of way. "I can't believe that you're the one standing in my way." Finishing the good laugh with a joyous sigh you replied lightly. "Well, I mean, I am the only other one here." The chuckles died down through your sentence.

The child groans, lulling their head back "Oh my god! You're even dumber in person!"

Slightly offended you bit back at them with a small sneer. "Yeah, well you're a lot shorter in person."

They frowned with a stale stare. "Very funny." They shook their head and continued on in an explanation to prove your literal thinking wrong. "What I meant was you're the only one who can keep me away from that!" They pointed at the soft glowing behind you.

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