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Thank you for sticking with this book for almost a full three years, growing with me. It's been amazing to have this place to come to whenever I get a little too stressed.
I love you guys so much and It mean the world to me that you've read this story to the end.


Standing there, a smile curves upon your bleeding lips and dirty face. The air still had a crisp and cold tinge to it, just the same as the day you jumped into the underground.

The sun had just barely risen over the horizon, and still has the power to paint orange and pink streaks across the pale blue sky, matching with the naked, silver trees perfectly. You didn't realize it, but an abundance of tears collected in your eyes, foe which emotion they were for, you couldn't be sure.

A puff of warm air curled up into the atmosphere from your breath, forming a thin cloud. It had nothing to worry about as it floated away in the slight breeze, and neither did you. It was over as soon as it began, so why did it feel like years?

A relieved smile cracked across your face as you closed your watery eyes and took in another blissfully chilled breath. There were a few chirps from snow birds around filling the quiet air with something other than a cool breeze.

Sans looked around with a content, happy gaze as he placed his comforting hand gently on your shoulder.

Opening your glassy e/c eyes you grinned to the sky with wobbly knees, threatening to buckle any second. "We finished it." You said breathlessly. The silence in your mind made you feel whole again.

"You did good kid." He spoke softly in a sigh behind you looking out on the expanse of the world. A soft shuffling behind you made both you and Sans turn around.

There they were.

The monsters stepping out of the mountain for the first time, blinking against the sun they'd never seen, murmuring and gasping at the sight. Collectively feeling the same weight lifting from their spirits was too much for some as many sobs poured for the crowd.

The sun was warm and kind despite the crisp nip to the air, this was something you didn't realize how much you missed until just returning to the surface. A wave of emotion hit you, welling tears up only for them to finally fall down on the dusty ground.

This had to be most breathtaking sun rise to ever grace the planet. It's beams felt like relief, the painted sky made it so the troubles you had just moments before simply vanished, washed out by natures kind welcome back.

The heard of monsters sat in awe before the flaming life and watched the rest of its rise together.

Determination was in abundance on the mountain that early morning.

0==[}::::://  //:::::>

It didn't really occur to you just how beat and bruised you looked upon seeing other humans on the streets. They all watched in utter fascination of the monsters pouring down the mountain side and filtering into the town.

After being gone for this long you decided it was best that you return to your home at the edge of the other side of town.

Walking down a country dirt road out with the expanses of dying green and yellow fields surrounding you on all sides, scoffs of snow still settled atop the frozen crops. This was the nostalgia of home.

Standing at the base of the aged wooden porch, you could feel the worry set in, so much had happened and you'd gone through so much.

How could you explain it all?
Taking a deep breath you walked up the creaky stairs and pulled open the screen door. The familiar creak of the weathered door greeted you.

Stepping inside was the same old home you'd known for so long, but it felt different. It looked almost like a tornado went through the house years ago and it had never recovered.

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now