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Let's just say Alphys was very reluctant. The whole process was a struggle; pushing and forcing her into dresses, pant suits, even a princess dress that scarily resembled that of Snow White.

It had taken about... well... You stopped counting at forty five minutes, and it kept going until everyone, even Alphys, was satisfied with her apparel. She stood shyly in a pastel pink dress with frilly off the shoulder sleeves. It fluffed out a bit after the bust and held a smooth, seamless gradient that melted into a deep, soft purple at the bottom of the tea length skirt. Even with the doctors poor posture, it looked amazing on her. Undyne's face had a little bit of blush as she turned away, muffling some kind of quiet yelling under her hand that tightly clamped over her mouth. Frisk was jumping up and down happily as Mettaton threw his hands up dramatically. "Oh Doctor, you look like a delicate flower princess!" He exclaimed, scooping her hands into his in adoration.

Sans nodded with a smile bigger than his usual. "You could be the Belle of the ball!"

You and Sans gazes connected and you both pointed towards each other. "Ayyye! Disney joke!" You laughed.

Alphys face started to turn pale. "J-Joke?" She looked at you both with helpless eyes.

You and Sans looked to her. "Yeah, you know, Belle. The really smart princess who loves books." He said with a lazy smile.

"And the one who can pull off yellow like nobody's business!" You added.

Alphys clearly wasn't used to all these complements. She squeaked and hid her face that hosted a goofy and flustered smile.

Froggit hopped up to her as everyone was gushing excitedly, paying him no mind as he waited before her feet patiently. You eyed him skeptically, about to tell him to step off until she peeked out from her hands and saw him. He bowed before her like a gentleman with a kind, large smile. "My lady." This caught the rest of the groups attention, as far as everyone knew he was incapable to be directly kind like this.

"May I have the first dance of this evening?"

Another wave of astonishment crashed down, nearly causing you to lose your footing.

Poor Alphys wasn't ready for this as a deep blush run up to her cheeks. She struggled putting together a sentence as her knees trembled. "I-I uh.. Yo-You wa-ant to d-da-dance w-with me?"

Froggit smiled sincerely at her. "Of course!"

A happy, timid grin graced her face as she nodded, only being able to squeak in a way that suggested 'yes.'

Sans eyes widened at the little monsters actions then peered over at you, who had your eyes glued on Froggit with an unreadable expression. The skeleton looked back to the scene playing out between the two, but his eyes flicked back to you in rebellion.

He stared, a calm smile came to his face as his tiny white pupils scanned your focused profile. He wanted to hug you and hold you, to be close to you again. He wished to teleport back to the tree, to y/nsville as you would say. Heat rose to his face at the thought.

But that wasn't In the cards for you both. So he opted for the second best option. Timidly, he reached for your hand that hung lazily at your side.

"Do you think he's up to something?" You asked and looked back to Sans who's eyes immediately lifted to meet yours with a sort of 'caught-red-handed' look. Your eye brow raised subtly. "Or are you up to something?"

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now