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The farther you went, the darker the lighting had become. You stumbled on every odd rock that crossed your path and constantly checked to see if ike's happy hat was still on your head.

Your little green companion decided a while ago that it would lose you in the dark so he sat in your pack, his little green head poking out the top with his mini hands clutched the fabric of the bag tightly and every couple seconds he turned to eye the space behind you both skeptically.

It put you on edge a bit what with all his fidgeting.

You hesitantly put your arms out to feel where you were going, but every time Froggit moved it made you snatch your hand back towards your body in fear. You finally found a wall to lean against and follow. It was cold, hard and somewhat moist.

The muggy air and void of sound was unsettling to say the least. But you were determined to find that despicable flower, and once you did you were going to tear it apart alive.
Watch his body get pulled apart right before his eyes, tear out his eyes and rip his pedals. Then finally leave him to die! The feel of him pleading for his end in a mangled heap before your feet, it made you smile, all your current wariness of the dark cave evaporated into nothingness.

You ran your fingertips along the wall and started to skip, but you had barely gotten a step forward before a bright and sudden spark light burst forth from where your fingernails had traced.

Surprised, you let out a quiet yelp and fell back onto the rocky earth below you. You had startled Froggit to the point he dug himself deeper into all your stuff.

You could feel him starting to shake "(Ribbit) What the hell Y/n?" his muffled voice was unpleasant. He poked his head out of the lip of the back pack and smacked the back of your head.

You flinched at the little hand coming intact with you, a shy grin formed apologetically (and slightly amused) "Sorry Froggit. I didn't mean to scare you." you said.

His sloped eyes turned to circles "S-Scare me?! You didn't scare me! You just almost killed if you landed on your back. I just tried my best not to get killed!"

Your brows knit together in a knowing frown "So then, why did you cower in the thing that was attached to my back?"

He fell silent for a moment till he raised his voice defensively "... I wasn't scared!!"

You rolled your eyes, a smug smile appeared and you stood up to inspect the wall.

Running both of your hands on the wall you felt every ridge and scar, but the most prominent were four, (still warm) creases and all around them the wall was no longer moist

You frowned as you recalled your mad thoughts just as it happened. Was that even you? It couldn't be.

You sighed, shaking. Just thinking about it made you feel queasy, almost sick. How could get joy from that thought?

It was a strange predicament, luckily before you had to think too hard about it a faint sound of water cut through the sickening silence.

Your head perked up, as did Froggit's "I-Is that?"

"I sure hope so!" you exclaimed, as you ran towards it, hoping to get out of the dark, and soon.

Soon the darkness turned into a faint light blue hue, clouding the surroundings.

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now