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..So, it has come to my attention that you guys don't like cliffhangers.
These chapters are just little bits to tell the story and I only put so much of the story in one.

I hope you understand.



"Get up!" they yelled, gabbing the spear closer to you. A boney hand wrapped around the weapon keeping it from going any closed to you "I suggest you not do that."

The knights helmet turned with the sound of rubbing metal giving Sans a cold stare, you noticed a red ponytail tumbling out the back of the helmet.

"No, I suggest you not do that." The knight growled lowly at the skeleton. "Undyne, you don't know what you're doing."

The knight Undyne flicked his hand off their spear by lifting it above both of them, they twirled losing Sans' grasp and shot it your way.

You lifted your hand up instinctively, but did not look away. You glared at it and it stopped mid air, the glow of blue started to turn black and f/c like it had before with Flowey, you realized what was happening and you dropped the spear and it evaporated back to Undyne, you could feel Chara trying to slip into your mind when you do anything by instinct.

You knew you would have to do everything with your head, not your corrupt nature. Sans ran to you and helped you up, keeping his eyes on Undyne. His grip on your arm was tight and almost felt scared.

"This thing is not something any monsters should be around. It puts us at risk" Undyne kept trying to reason with Sans as they stood their ground glaring past him (who was guarding you) to you.

The smell of angry fish loomed in the tense air.

"Sans, you need to know that it is not human, humans are not able to do that, not even monsters are! So just step aside!" they swung their spear to the side, telling Sans to move.

He stayed put and glared at Undyne, saying nothing. "..."

Undyne sighed through the metal face guard "Fine." their eyes suddenly snapped open and gleamed a threatening colour, and shot multiple spears his way at an incredible speed, Sans hands lifted to the air then he crossed them over each other. An enormous amount of bones flew out of nowhere and crowed in front of him making a huge shield, blocking the attacks of the powerful knight just in time.

You stumbled back in shock. The clashing sound of spears on the other side of the shield was deafening.

"Y/n!" Sans yelled over his shoulder. You perked up. "You're going to run when I say!"

Your e/c eyes widened "Wh-What? No!"

Sans growled, still pushing against the force of the weapons firing themselves Sans' way, that had the goal of getting to you. "Y/N!!" he yelled trying to look at you, but at the same time trying to keep Undyne from you. "YOU HAVE TO TRUST ME, THIS BARRIER WON'T HOLD MUCH LONGER! SO STOP BEING STUBBORN!!"

You opened your mouth to argue but soon decided against it because Sans had let down the shield and yelled for you to run.

You didn't argue.

You ran.

Undyne saw you running towards her, trying to get to the door. But they of course thought you were going to attack. "SANS?! WHAT DO I DO!?"

He didn't reply as you kept running to Undyne. They had a spear in hand and thrusted it forward at you. It would've gone right through it it wasn't for something hitting the back of your legs, it had the familiar feel of Sans' hand, but it was much to big, so you ultimately came to the conclusion that it was one of the bones he used to cover him and you both just a few seconds ago.

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