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Your body lay still as you begin to regain consciousness. As you started to come around, there was a faintly familiar feel in the air that wrapped itself around you. Your mind was blank and unusually quiet, it was a nice change of pace for you to get some sort of peace for the first time in a while. You were slightly aware of your surroundings, only of the things that mattered. Ike's hat was still in it's rightful spot atop your head.

Your whole right leg felt numb and sort of cold, like the bone was frozen. It sort of hurt, but it felt more uncomfortable than anything else.

Your eyes slowly opened,but snapped shut again from a blinding light above you, blinking repeatedly you worked up your immunity to the light. Once the eyes were adjusted they were ready ready do a quick scan of the are a. But they couldn't get that far. A little grumpy voice muttered "Your foot's gone."

A frown pulled across your face "uh... what?" you sat up with an aching feeling all over your body except the for the absence of feeling in your right leg. To your surprise, you foot was no longer fleshy, it was brassy metal, like a robot, except it didn't have any toes, it was basically just a hunk of metal with a couple of holes in it, probably to make it lighter and little metal rods traced up your leg to your shin.

You looked towards to the grumpy voice of Alphys "They're new ligaments."

You looked back to your leg, then back to her "Didn't I already have those?" you asked. She nodded in response "yeah... y-you did."

You noted past tense "did?" you echoed. "What happened to them."

"I took them out."

"Why? Can't you reattach ligaments?"

"I can, b-but I didn't."

You felt yourself get frustrated with the little triceratops like monster "Well why not? Their even easier to reach now."

She nodded calmly "I know."

This was kind of strange, the last time you spoke with Alphys she was all shy and had a nerdy-sort of cuteness to her. But now she seems a lot more sure of herself, and... angry.

"It's p-payback! For what you did to Undyne! A-And, I'm not one to hold a grudge... but she is the most important person to me and what you did to her was horrifying." she shuddered and close her eyes tightly keeping her distance.

"She almost died from the wound you gave her." a sigh flew out of her long snout-like nose and her little eyes flipped back up to you "So, although Undyne wouldn't think it would be too honourable of me, I got you back while you were unconscious, because I can't hold a grudge, I-I think we're now even."

You looked at your robotic foot again and rotated the foot up and down. "So that was you getting back at me. What is Undyne gonna do?" the question asked took Alphys by surprise. What would Undyne do? Challenge them to another fight? That would be reckless, and she would must likely die in the fight if they went like that again, Undyne only got one blow on Y/n, and it was cutting off a body part! But that didn't even stop Y/n from their pursuit to kill. Alphys stared to sweat. "Uh.. Um... I-uh."

Just before the doctor could answer a knock on the door was heard, followed with a little croaky voice. "Doctor? Can I come in?"

"Y-Yes!" her small, unsure voice returned as Froggit hopped into the room. When he saw you he smiled, it was a little strange to see such a grumpy gus like him to smile, let alone at you.

He hopped forwards and jumped onto the table next to you "How're you feeling?" he asked calmly. You stared at him as if her were going crazy "Excuse me?"

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now