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The skeleton paused for a moment, taking in what you said. He couldn't help but sort of laugh in an empty way at your words. "kid, I think you've had too much excitement for one day." Undyne grinned and started to laugh at you, beginning to think you had lost your marbles.

You grabbed his shoulders and looked him dead in the eye. "But just think about it" you said in almost a yell "It makes sense doesn't it?!"

He stared at you then shook his head with a concerned face and put his hands on your hands that were clamped onto his shoulders and pulling them off to only hold them "Y/n." He looked down to your hands then to your eyes seriously "You're sounding a little crazy." The blue fish let her spear evaporate and put her hand on her hips with an amused grin "Actually you sound a lot crazy."

You frowned at Undyne with a bit of helplessness in your eyes and pulled your hands out of his, starting to panic even more "I know I sound crazy! But you need to understand! Flowey said to my blood was useful. I have both Chara and his blood in mine so he must be able to use it, that's why he took a vile of blood from me!" You said frantically pointing to the jab he gave you under your mouth. Undyne stopped smiling as her and Sans eyes widened at the hole you didn't seem to care much about. He stepped towards you and was about to look at it closer but you stepped away again, desperate to make more points about your theory.

"And my foot was left outside of the lab in a pool of my blood, a-and I bit my lip so hard that made my blood go on those dead spiders! Sans, he has a whole vile of that stuff! He could do anything with that!" You cried freaking out, finally letting all of the crazy things that have been happening get to you. "He has a leg up on us! Even more than before what with this crazy fucker in my head and his huge ass amount of power!" Sans looked at you a bit shocked at your outburst and slowly pried your hands off his shoulders that you had absentmindedly clamped down on him.

Sans was about to say you were just being paranoid or maybe Flowey used it as a scare tactic, but the more he thought about it, the more it seemed to add up. He was not sure what to say at the moment, so with a puzzled look he frowned and took you hands off of him "Okay, what're we gonna do then?" He asked as calmly as possible.

Just as you were about to respond, you realized that you couldn't. You had no idea how to do anything about it, you were so focused on what was happening you didn't even take a moment to think how to fix it.

The quietness of the room started to leave as the monsters all around you and Sans began to whisper things, just like they had done in the ruins when you first came to the underground.

"Do they actually not know?"

"Tsk, getting real crazy about it and doesn't bother trying to think of a solution..."

"... Almost feel bad..."

"... This human is crazy."

"Your MOM is c-"

"Don't... Just... No."

"... Embarrassing..."

"... If this human is supposed to stop that thing..."

"... We're dead already..."

The gazes of the monsters were unsure but nonetheless intimidating to you. They didn't even bother to hush the things they said. Their words seemed to swirl and dance around in your mind, clouding your thoughts with every poisoning word.

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now