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You woke up to see that the fire was still alight with a gentle glow.

The way the fire was still burning to keep you warm filled you with determination.

hp fully restored.

Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you groggily propped yourself up on you elbows. Toriel was nowhere to be found, but two little guys, the froggit and Moldsmal were snuggled against your fire warmed body.

Moldsmal was lighty purring and jiggled around as he dreamed, he had even made a tiny bed indent on your sweater. The froggit's face was squished against the ground, pushing his cheek up to look bigger than it actually was. He was sort of adorable when he wasn't conscious to insult you.

There was a tiny yawn, but it didn't come from either of the monsters snuggling your side. Confusion bubbled in your mind and you looked around to find the origin of the mysterious yawn. That was until you felt something stir inside of your hoodie pocket, and suddenly out popped Whimsun's tiny, sleepy face.

She blinked uncoordinatedly then rubbed her eyes. Why did this little monsters face always look so sad?

Once she noticed your eyes on her she jumped a bit, surprised. "O-Oh... good morning... I'm s-sorry... I fell asleep inside your jacket, i-it's just th-that you were so warm and I was s-so cold. I'm sorry I didn't a-a-ask to." Guilty tears began to well up in her sad, sloped eyes.

You smiled and put a finger kindly on her head, giving a careful rub as comfortingly as you could. "Whimsy! It's alright. I understand, honestly I'm flattered you're comfortable enough with me to fall asleep in my pocket in the first place." You reasoned, despite the very real possibility of you rolling over and crushing her in your sleep... crushing all three of them even. A cold sweat prickled along your spine at the thought.

She moped, looking down. "I'm not Whimsy... Whimsy is a happy and playful word, I'm no exactly happy or playful..."


You were at a loss for words but everything in you wanted to be able to cheer her up, even just get her to look not so sad. "Maybe it's... ironic?"

... that was probably worse than just not saying anything.

Whimsun looked confused, and still horribly sad. More tears started to pool in her sad eyes and her body trembled.

Luckily, Toriel saved your ass again. Her sweet voice cheerfully called from the kitchen. "Y/n? Are you awake?"

You immediately responded with great enthusiasm, sitting completely up which caused Whimsun to tumble out of your pocket. "Yup! I'm up!"

The little moth-like monster sighed to herself and sadly fluttered towards to kitchen. Everything she did made you feel just so depressed.

"Good! Then come in here for breakfast." Toriel sang followed by some clinking of a metal pan on presumably the stove.

Breakfast? For me? Aww, goat mom!

You smiled widely and scrambled to your feet, tossing both Froggit and Moldsmal off the extra fabric of your hoodie in a rude awakening.

"Hey! Hey! What the hell're ya doing?!" The Froggit cried angrily as he fumbled to the floor.

You paused in your frantic run for food.

Accommodate Froggit and Moldsmal?

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