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So sorry for the shitty chapter before :p it was not the best, gonna be totally honest.



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You were having a beautifully comforting dream, of Ike of course. You were both climbing the pines he was supposed to chop down with his fellow employees, but like always he cut work whenever you visited him, it was a miracle he wasn't fired.

Not that is really matters anymore.

Every time you saw him in your dreams and you said you wished you could be there with he always said the same thing "You focus on living for both of us, I'll hold down the being dead part, for you and me both."

He was... he is an amazing friend, and you missed him dearly. It felt as though your heart was always aching, it was hard to think about him or you'd cry and you were not one to cry in front of others if it could be helped. Luckily you were good at hiding sad feelings.

Just as you and Ike bad reach the top of a twenty five foot evergreen, there was suddenly a large crash of lightning in the sky.

Your eyes flew open at the same time your body flinched and put your head under your beds covers.

Quietly you peered over the top of your blanket to see Grillby in a white dress shirt and a forest green sweater vest while his legs were covered by dark jeans. In his hands sat two frying pans, still vibrating from the impact on each other.

Although he was fire you could tell he was doing this for his own amusement. You frowned and rolled away from him "You dirt bag."

"Couldn't have just waken me nicely." you grumbled under your breath. Grillbys foot came in contact with your side gently, but enough for make you jump away and tumble off the bed roll on the cold cement floor

You shivered then frowned up at Grillby. "Okay, Okay I get it! I'm up!" you stood to your feet hastily brushing off the possible dust from the clothes you borrowed from Grillby. The pants were pretty big, so you kept having to hike them up.

when you looked up from the pants, clothing hit your face. You groaned. As you pulled the clothes away from your face you noticed how fancy the clothes were, there was a white dress shirt and black dress pants.

Your eyebrow quirked as you inspected it further. "I did not know there was dress code." he grabbed another article of clothing and threw it at you as well. You caught it this time. It was an apron, with little pocket on the front. "Oh..."

*•. *•. *•.

Grillby, your new boss, was actually quite the perfectionist, and since he didn't quite trust you with white shirts for some reason, he made you roll your sleeves up. You didn't really mind though, since you were going to get on your way after today's work to find the human.

Grillby had you working the bar as he went around to collect orders, you thought it would've made more sense if he worked the bar, but apparently he wants to talk more with people. This was pretty confusing for everyone, he hadn't struck you, or anyone as the talking type. The strange thing is he still didn't talk to anyone.

Just as business started to slow down the door rang and jingled while Sans walked in with his same grin. He gave Grillby a smile and sat at a spot at the bar. You offered him a smile, but he avoided eye contact.

You shrugged it off passively and continued on "What can I do for you?" you asked politely with a hand on your note pad. Sans sniffed once and rubbed his face with his sleeve "I don't want anything. I just want to talk."

his voice seemed not as fun or happy as last time you both talked "uh.. okay, sure." your curiosity started to rise as you kept your eyes on the skeleton and put your note pad down. He laughed quietly looking down at his lap.

You began to get a bit concerned "Um... Sans? Are you okay?" you placed a hand on his shoulder. That seemed to trigger something because all of a sudden Sans boney hand shot up and caught your arm in a firm grip. He pulled you over so you were leaning over the bar, he raised his head slowly, and it was almost as as his left pupil was flaming a blue light, the same blue light from last night.

The feel of fear was cold as it leaked into your very soul. You tried to rip your hand from his death grip, but he wouldn't budge. His voice was low and threatening "What're you playing at?" he growled, although his face was smiling, his eyes were burning with rage.

You frowned "What're talking about?" your voice was quiet as you tried to pull Sans off.

He pulled your wrist closer towards him in anger and his hand began to clench around your wrist so hard the you started to lose feeling in it.

"You know damn well what! Where's your knife!? Where's your bat!?" he seethed as his eye flare a brilliant blue, brighter than before, that made something, instinct maybe, pulse throughout your body.

In one swift move you flipped your hand to his wrist and twisted hard, forcibly making his hand let go. But instead of letting go you pulled on his wrist like he did to you "I don't know what you're talking about, why do you suddenly feel the need to hate me?" the tension between the both of you resided in the few inches that kept you both from clashing foreheads.

Sans flame burned out slowly and his eyes returned to normal but a glare held strong.

"Because if what you've done!" he looked slightly pained, for only a moment though, it was gone so quickly you couldn't be sure it even happened "I don't trust you." he glared. "Why the hell not? What did I do?!"

You didn't mean to say that, it just sort of slipped out without thinking. Sans expression softened to just a stare and he gently unwrapped your hand from his arm with ease, since you loosened your grip and will to hold him any longer.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me anyway." he said coolly with an unemotional expression on his face.

You looked over Sans shoulder and saw Grillby approaching. Sans seemed to notice too so he said one last thing to you "Until next time."

With that he smiled widely and pushed himself away from your face. He turned away and walked out of the diner, not looking back and waving a hand "See ya Grillby."

Grillby turned to you with a questioning look.

You were still starring at the door he disappeared through when you answered with "It was nothing." and went to the back.

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now