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It was quiet in there aside from the slightest of a hum bouncing off the cement walls. Once the three of you turned a corner the hum seemed to get a bit more audible making your time to figure out a plan become a bit more rushed. Without realizing Asgore stopped walking, you ran right into his back letting out a small 'oof.'

He chuckled a bit then put his enormous paw flat against a towering, unbelievable re-enforced door and pushed it open, letting the small hum become a loud, baritone sound that pulsates gently through the air.

Following the regal monster inside there was a tall walkway type thing that rhythmically switched from black to white only for the two shades to run down, into the barrier. It was gigantic, it had to be about as tall as the Calgary tower, maybe taller.

It was honestly a bit surprising, you just figured there was a racist magic rock that only liked humans that sat in front of an exit point. But this was far more impressive.

Peeling your eyes from the barrier you looked to Frisk, who was still holding Flowey as gently as they could. The child looked to you and have a small, almost unnoticeable smile, while the Flower spotted you but quickly looked away with a frown like a child.

You ignored him as best you could as you went over to Frisk. "Do you think we can break the barrier?" You said upon arrival. The child looked a bit shocked at your question then pondered it for a moment and looked to you with a frown. "Look I can't understand you. Can you talk?"

The flower in the child's hand twisted his petal covered head and watched the you both try and interact.

The child shook their head.

"Okay, but do you think we can break the barrier?"

Frisk took a moment and then shrugged with a slight nod. That was, admittedly, better odds than you were expecting. You smiled a bit "That's good enough for me!"

Frisk nodded along with you as you both turned to the barrier. Sans walked up to you both, slumped slightly with a questioning look on his white face. "What're you two doing?"

You smirked proudly as you looked at him. "We're conniving." The child next to you nodded along when Sans looked at them. He raised what would be an eyebrow as he looked back to you again. "...About what?" He seemed to have a good idea about what you were 'conniving' about, but he wanted to be sure.

"We're busting you all outta here."

Frisk seemed to be getting more and more pumped up by the second because they lifted their hands above their head in a triumphant way. The best part of that was that Flower was still in their little hands as they flung their hands up and down, most likely giving the cursing flower a killer headache.

Sans sighed then chuckled half heartedly at both humans and stuffed his boney hands into his scuffed up sweater. "I hope you know what you're doing." He said in a slightly worried tone. You nodded along with him and faced back to the barrier. "Me too."

Sans gave you a small, slightly surprised look but it seemed like he sort of expected that from you. Before he could object you swiftly interjected. "But I'm not giving up until you're free on the surface." You said with a note of finality in your voice. The skeleton sighed, covering his worry as best as he could then looked at the barrier again. "Y/n, I don't want you trapped down here too. It's not exactly something you would want."

A frown crossed your face lightly as his words ran through your mind a few times. However after a moment the stoic look you wore melted into a genuine smile as you gazed lovingly over to him. "Well, it wouldn't be all bad if you were still kicking around here too." You admitted, nudging him playfully.

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now