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It had been about forty-five minutes since Sans told you what you done. Ike was right, you prepared for something bad, but this was just purely wicked. You had kicked Sans out of the room shortly after he had told you everything, since you knew him being around would make you feel even worse, sick even.

Sans... he said he loved me, after all the the horrors and heartache I gave him, how on earth could he?

You had tried to slow down your cries but your mind always came back to what you had seen yourself do.

You clutched at your heart painfully as your breath was shallow, making you slightly dizzy. But by now you didn't give a flying fuck how you felt. You would say you were a monster, but that just wouldn't be true, all the monsters you had met had ten sizes larger hearts. You felt corrupt, like you had no morals or any sort of honour what so ever.

The room was totally silent besides your loud sobs echoing inside it. The soft beeping of your heart on the monitor occupied the rest of the quietness.

Taking in deep breaths you tried to steady your breathing and calm down. Your eyes stung, and your vocal chords hurt from your constant sobbing and whaling.

You took in a deep shaky breath then let it go. (please, don't sing that song... please)

Again you took in another deep breath, it was more steady than before.

One more time, you took in a much longer seep of air, holding it for a long moment, then let seep out slowly.

You were now temporarily stable.

You looked around the room with your puffy red eyes, only to spot your zigzag pattern backpack. A soft smile grew on your face as you pulled the little things that attached you to the heart monitor.

It flat lined making a constant high-pitched beep.

You didn't pay any mind to it as you picked up your trusty backpack, pulling out the other half of the granola bar, remembering the other half of it was still back at the Skelton's home, probably laying underneath a freshly fallen blanket of snow.

You laughed weakly to yourself, remembering Papyrus throwing the granola bar at his own home. Quietly you bit into the granola bar. Only then realizing you hadn't had any food to eat in two days, so you scarfed it down, basically inhaling it, for real, wow.

There was a hurried knock on the door, it seemed a bit scared "Y/n?!"


You were still chewing some of the bar but your eyes stayed on the door as it swung open, Sans toppled in and looked at you, then at the heart monitor, then back to you. "i thought you flat-lined." He says awkwardly.

You looked back at the monitor then back to Sans and shrugged "Well, I didn't." Froggits voice echoed through the door "Are they okay?"

Sans stood up off his belly and poked his head out of the door "Yeah, they're good." he closed the door with him inside and looked at you intently "Emotionally, how are you."

You immediately looked at your feet for a moment then back at Sans "Not gonna lie, I could be better." nervousness started to take over your body, and your hands fumbled with each other. Being around him, or any other monster now, reminded you what happened to them because of you.

"Heh, well. I came I'm here because I thought you'd get kinda bone-ly."

You laughed, no it was more like a tiny huff of amusement. "Well, I appreciate it Sans." your smiling gazed went from looking down at the bag to Sans.

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now