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A hand rests on your shoulder interrupting you and Froggit conversation. You turned to come face to face with Sans, standing there with his usual smile. "We should get going don'tcha think?" You nodded and put Froggit on your other shoulder and smiled weakly "yeah..." You briefly looked over to the green monster who was killed by the evil bastard Flowey as a couple other monsters were picking up her body and placing her gently into a hospital bed that used to harbour Undyne.

Sans followed your gaze to the tragic sight, all the monsters around expressions were downcast but had somewhat of hope in their eyes. Sans sighed and looked down for a moment, then turned to you "We'll get him back." He half heartedly grinned at you, you mimicked his expression while looking down at your feet. A moment of silence passed before you turned to him and grabbed him roughly by the jacket, causing Froggit to fall off your shoulder and to the ground. Before Sans could process what was happening his eye flamed and he was about to shoot bones from the ground into your body.

But the feeling of your arms wrapped around him registered in his head before he did anything rash. It was just the suddenness of your act that made his instincts kick in, unbeknownst to you.

Froggit groaned quietly while just sitting the, face planted on the floor. But he looked back at you and Sans, he froze in terror at the sight of the flaming eye and the slight blue glow that was pushing against the bottom on the floor. He couldn't move, terrified that if he did Sans may do it, whether on purpose or on accident since he could see how tense the skeleton was at the moment, so he did the one thing he was good at and glared.

You had your head stuffed into Sans' hood fluff for comfort, the ketchupy smell wrapped you up kindly before Sans did. He stood there as still as possible as he looked down at the bones beneath your feet that had just about come out, making the floor sort of bump up. Guilt welled in the pit of his stomach at the proof. He still didn't completely trust you. The largest part of him wanted to, but the smaller more logical part told him 'not yet'.

He frowned down at your back sadly, he didn't want to hurt you but he had just almost killed you. His soul ached at the thought and he took a second.

He suddenly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer and held you desperately as close as he could with his head digging into your shoulder, his cold face gave you goosebumps as it touched your bare neck and the bones went back into the earth. Including the wall he had made to protect you.

Froggit let out a held breath in relief, thanking whatever god he could think of for this close call ending without bloodshed.

You smiled brightly at this as your blush spread across your face like a wildfire. With no knowledge of what had almost just happened. "Thank you Sans." You muttered happily into his jacket.

The skeleton laughed. "Kid, I'd have to stop this flower even if you weren't here."

You pulled away from him, arms still around his neck as you shrugged a little. "Meh, well, I like to think you're doing it to help me." He tried to keep his eyes from looking like he was truly smiling, but the urge to smile was too great due to your smug remark and instead it turned it into a smirk and he rolled his eyes "Well, if it's any difference to you, the thought of helping you out is a little motivational." He said through a smirk.

A softer grin made its way onto your face. And you put your hands on both sides of his skull, gently leaned over and gave his cheek a little tender kiss and pulled away "It actually does make a difference to me."

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now