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The water splayed out all over your dirt and blood stained body, it soothed the many cuts and bruises and almost healed rib from when Sans flung you around, and caused you to go to Alphys in the first place. You had no idea what she had done to your injury but it sure worked miracles. Especially since you had forgotten about it until just now when you spotted the blue welt on your rib cage.

You couldn't do anything about now, so you went on with washing yourself, and grabbed a bottle that read MTT brand Shampoo Mettatons choice. You rolled your eyes
He doesn't even have hair
With a small chuckle you squished out some to discover it was bright pink and sparkly, hopefully it didn't stay sparkly in your hair, you were slightly hesitant about using it but shrugged it off, yolo! You rubbed your hands in your hair making big pink bubbles fluff up from your head as you sang a little to yourself, but you didn't know all the words to the particular song so you just kinda rolled over the lyrics you didn't now with hums, la's or da doo's.

You had finally scraped the dried blood off yourself and washed out the shampoo and conditioner, stepping out of the shower you snagged a fluffy white towel to dry yourself off. You rubbed your hair ferociously getting it to only be damp, you smiled at the cleansing feeling of the shower and how amazing you smelt now. You were considering recommending it to your friends.

Oh wait... You don't have friends.

A big sigh escaped you as you went to grab your clothes only to realize they weren't where you left them, in fact, they weren't anywhere in the bathroom, you had a mini heart attack and heard Chara laughing in your head.

That made you angry until you realized they could see you through your eyes.
You swiftly turned away from the mirror that hung above the sink.

"Shut up!" You cried out, slightly flustered and pretty much dying of embarrassment and anger. As you stepped towards the shut door.

Oh please, this is really funny! Someone punked you pretty good!

"I swear to god if someone took my clothes for a laugh, somebody's going to die!" You yelled at the door, making Chara laugh even more.

But the child's laughter was hushed for a moment as there actually was some one on the other side of the bathroom door. "Uh... Actually kid, Mettaton thought your clothes were a bit too... Well gross so I brought you some fresh ones you can destroy instead."

You still had clothing from Grillby, so you didn't really see the sense of wearing some other clothes that probably were not proportioned to your body. You were abput to send them on their way till you realized who's voice that was.


Chara lost it right then and their laughing became so loud that it sounded like they were right inside your ears. You couldn't help but smile a little too, it seemed that the situation was just too surreal to you and when anyone else laughed at something like this, you couldn't help yourself but laugh too, you put your hand against your forehead and started to giggle a little bit but you made sure calm down a bit, even if Chara wouldn't shut up.

"Uh... Kid? Are you okay in there?"

You took a deep breath and you wrapped a towel around your body with you right hand holding it in place "Yeah, I'm fine. Just Chara is being an asshole." Chara stopped laughing and it was silent. "Wait, are you going to be okay?" Before you could respond to Sans the flame in your belly flared up and managed to get control of your right arm. Before you could register what was going on Chara's hand went straight for the door and swung it open.

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now