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The doors swung open quickly to reveal a large lobby, it looked brand new and just finished renovation since you could smell a lingering paint smell underneath the many layers of food and funny smelling perfume. It must've been a grand opening or re-opening.

The chatting slowed down as the many well dressed monsters got a good look at your group, the monsters who were playing the music stopped as well.

They all just... stared...

Alphys immediately started to tremble as her tears that has recently run dry decided they would come back. You spotted this and went around Undynes bed to stand next to her, your metal foot clanked against the polished tile floor. Everyone seemed to flinch as you stepped forward, Alphys looked up at you tears in her eyes, you however wore a look she had always wished to obtain.

A small nod was given to her by you and she smiled warily and choked back her tears and spoke up to the crowd. "I-I need to see Mettaton!" She said and used all the courage she could muster. Not one of the fancily dressed monsters did anything, they just stayed still, as if they were frozen, their gazes started to widely away Alphys' feigned confidence, she shifted uncomfortably in the spot she stood.

Nothing happened for a good amount of time, a sort of stare off if you will, until there was movement within the crowd of a robotic voice "WHY HAS EVERYONE STOPPED DANCING SLASH TALKING SLASH HAVING A REAL GOOD TIME, IT WAS THE PUNCH WASN'T IT!? I KNEW I SHOULD'VE HIRED THAT PROFESSIONAL BEVERAGE MIXER INTEAD OF D.I.Y-ING IT!"

The little calculator thing you had seen in the poster and the sign on the way in rolled its way towards the front of the crowd, sort of pushing its way through. But when they spotted the six of you they stopped moving and just looked at you, it was hard to know exactly what the robot was thinking with its expressionless face.

Oh good, another starer.

they made a very tinny sounding gasp and wheeled over hurriedly, their noodley arms flew back behind them. They ran right into Alphys like they forgot they were metal and wrapped their arms around her in a tight embrace. The robot started to ask all kinds of questions "WHAT HAPPENED?!? OH ALPHYS ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?!" the voice of the robot seemed very concerned for the little scientist, that just tore down her facade of bravery and she started to bawl. The monsters around all sort of flinched, even you.

The big tears rolled down her cheeks relentlessly "Mettaton! M-My anime! My research! My Ho-Home! It's all gone!" She cried and grabbed helplessly onto Mettatons shoulders, but her grip loosened and she slumped down in grief "It's all gone." She breathed in despair. The robot looked confused and worried as they rubbed her back soothingly and shifted her off of them, but kept their arm around her to help her walk "THERE THERE, I'LL GET YOU A NICE CUP OF MTT BRAND HOT COCOA AND YOU CAN TELL ALL ABOUT IT FROM THE VERY BEGINNING." The robot started to walk but then stopped as if they remembered something and looked back to the rest of you and waved you to follow "COME, COME! ALL OF YOU."

The words of the robot took a moment to register but then realized they meant the five of you when Sans pushed the end of the bed at you and it bumped into you. You hurriedly walked to the back of Undynes bed and started to push, you could defiantly tell she was becoming antsy in the bed "UGH!! I just want to get up and stand, I'm tired of being in this damn bed looking like a wimp!" She groaned and wriggled around unhappily as you and Sans wheeled her through the parted crowd, who murmured amongst themselves in hushed tones. You felt yourself shrink a bit while walking through and you looked over to Sans "why are they all staring?" You whispered.

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now