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Alphys led the way with her short little legs shaking terribly, but she trudged on. Always wiping away some tears every couple of minutes.

Sans and you were pushing the bed holding Frisk and Undyne behind her on rather bumpy terrain so it was really difficult to keep going at her pace and not stop or go too fast that we'd hit her rump and most likely make her fall down.

Froggit managed to walk (hop consistently) in between you and Sans, and although it didn't really effect either of your walking, it effected your mental state and almost made you feel uncomfortable, because even if you were thinking of something else, your mind would worm its way back to Froggit, and that he was still just there.

Every once and a while you'd look down him and he'd be just have his resting bitch face on, and if you stared too long you knew he see you. Then he'd think you had taken a liking to him, when really you didn't and if you denied it he wouldn't believe you because he thinks you're a dirty lier!

While you were busy being terrified of the things that would happen if he caught you looking, you forgot to actually look away, and you just stared at him with wide, horrified eyes. He looked up at you and saw you staring, unblinking at him.

You were paralyzed in fear, and you couldn't look away so instead you just held eye contact, Froggits eyes were beginning to squint out of confusion. You were a little surprised that he didn't give you some sarcastic remark but instead he looked a bit
weirded out and slowly and awkwardly he looked back forward with pursed lips.

He whipped your head forward and a cloud of uncertainty fogged your mind.

Huh... So he doesn't actually like me that way. Or possibly at all.

A smile ran across your face as you let out a comfortable sigh until you thought for a couple moments longer and your smile went away immediately.

What if he's just pretending? He's good at hiding how he actually feels, well not exactly, he just puts on this douchey persona which blankets all emotion, but he didn't quite do that just now, so does that mean he doesn't mind me? Or does it mean he can't quite hide that he does possibly... uugGGGHHHH!!!! WHAT THE HOLY PANCAKEHANDS!??! WHHYYYYY??!

Slowly, you calmed yourself down and looked down at Froggit for a second then back forward where Alphys was leading the group.

Damn tsundere Frog.

You hated feeling like this, confused, angry and sort of scared all at the same time, so you decided you would try not to think about it anymore than you absolutely had to.

Luckily your legs started to hurt from pushing a large blue fish and a tiny purple sweatered human in the rolling hospital bed, wondering how in Earth Frisk could've worn that sweater in Hotlands the whole time, you had your sweater stuffed in your bag a while ago, and all this walking and pushing was making you sleepy and very hungry. You looked to Sans and whispered "Do you know where we are going?"

He half shrugged "I... I don't really... know." He huffed, uncomfortably out of breath. It was only then you realized how tired Sans really was as a cold sweat dripped down his cold and pale face. A wave of worry suddenly washed over you and you wanted to ask if you all were going to be to the mysterious location Alphys was taking you all to soon or ever today, but you thought for a moment. She had just lost her home and she did not really trust you or like you for that matter, so you didn't exactly have the luxury to be inpatient, and Sans is a big boy, he can manage himself. (But the idiot was still wearing his sweater!)

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now