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Faint beeping could be heard far away, you stood at the top of a mountain, it was familiar.

Mount Ebott.

You looked to your left only to see Ike.

"Ike!" you said with a wide smile stretching across your face, you went to hug him but he shuffled away with a thick layer of moodiness soaking his aura.

A crooked, confused smile slipped onto your complexion. "Uh... Ike? Are you alright man?"

Beep... Beep...

His shoulders were slumped, his soul felt defeated. He shook gently, clenching his fists tightly. This started to worry you when you saw him wipe his eyes with his sleeve "Ike? What's wrong?" you placed your hand of his shoulder, but a pair of snowy white wings shot out from his shoulder blades through the winter jacket, it made you jump back and an unmistakable hiss seethes through you.

Another smaller pair of white wings pop out underneath the first pair, they spread out widely then fold back to his body.

You frown then shake your head, pulling you back to the present "I-Ike! Are you-"

"An angel. Yeah..." he looks back towards you, you smiled widely at him "That's amazing!" You cheered happily, partly because you were still ecstatic to see Ike and you now knew that there was a place to go after dying. he frowned and looked down, a few more tears dripped down. Your heart ached at the sight "But, why are you crying?"

His eyes were filled with sorrow but a strong glare placed itself in a faraway daze, angrily. "I'm an angel and when you become one you become aware, and I'm aware that you're a demon..." he looked over his shoulder at you bitterly "and a fucking psycho."

You tilted your head to the side and laughed with a sort of insulted look "Uh... I'm sorry?"

Ike growled then spun fully towards you. "You really shouldn't be saying that to me!" His stance was wide and his hands were balled tightly with his wings pointing outwards, intimidatingly "I've seen what you've done! You're a hell raiser!" he paced atop the mountain ferociously "No! Worse than that! You're an evil woven by the hands of the devil himself! You act fun and awesome, but when your true self is let out you don't have any sort of mercy, you just don't know when to quit, you, y-you just keep going! Even if you have no reason to! You're a cruel trick!"

Beep... Beep...

Ike words imprinted your heart with the feeling of pain and betrayal, you kept on your strong act, but you knew any more emotional blows you would be out for the count. "Ike what has gotten into you?!" you almost yelled but you could hear your voice roll down the rocky slope.

Ike chuckled quickly still pacing "Oh that's rich! Maybe you should ask yourself that! You welcomed Chara with open arms and even with all the resets you keep her alive inside of you! Even after all the things you had to go through with that residing inside of you! Even and it's happened so many goddamn times that... Thing is able to live in your head, without you having to give any part of yourself to it!"

You growled at him angrily putting your hands to your head then flinging them both up "Ike! I don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about!" he lulled his head back in irritation and his wings seemed to twitch a little. "Of course you don't, but you will soon. Like all the other times, every time you come down here, it doesn't matter if you are actually good in one of the resets, you just give more of yourself to Chara anyway!"

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now