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Your hand was in a fist at your side and it itched to come down upon Muffets round purple cheek, and you were 78% positive that it was you and you alone that wanted to go unhinged for just a moment.

But that 22% was what made you think twice, irrational decisions could be the end of you, or quite possibly the ones around you. It was a scary thought and a possibility, so after carefully weighing your options you ultimately it was not a good idea to let your anger get the best of you, making you vulnerable to the second resident in your head.

Slap a bitch

[yes] [*no]

The purple spider grinned wildly and skipped around Sans with five of her hands neatly placed behind her back but one was tenderly on the back of his neck then slid to his shoulder and gripped firmly, putting her mouth by where an ear would be from behind "I'll be waiting for that money Sans." She sung quietly, her many were eyes barely open as if her voice was that of a relaxing one. He didn't say anything before she slipped away from him and skipped away into the darkness while spinning in circles "You as well human!~" she giggled as she went with her black plump pigtails bouncing along with her slim, spider body disappearing.

Sans watched her leave.

You didn't even notice it until Frisk pointed at your lips. Your glare disconnected from the spot where Muffet had gone out of sight and became one of confusion, you put your fingertips to your lip and pulled away. Needless to say you were rather surprised to find blood on it. A sudden pain shot through your lips and quickly opened your mouth, blood spilled out and into your mouth, the smell of copper filled your nostrils along with a painful tingling sensation.

Sans gaze snapped back when you began to curse, and Alphys hurriedly covered Frisks ears.

You realized Chara had already been trying to gain control. The tell tale sign of being under their control was the fact that you were numb and oblivious to everything around but the one thing that had your interest.

You grabbed your sweater which was wrapped around your torso and put it on your lip to help slow the blood.

Undyne started to laugh at you and pointed, as if nobody couldn't see already. "You sure are hard core aren't you? You just chomped straight through your lip!" Sans eyes widened as he shuffled towards you.

Undynes statement made you a bit curious.

Right through?

Timidly your tongue swooped in and went through a little nibble sized hole. It surprised you nonetheless as your tongue retracted from the bloody mess upon first touch of it. The skeleton made it to you and suddenly held your face with both hands on your cheeks and jaw bone, he turned your head up and down, side to side, inspecting the injury thoroughly and carefully. You frowned slightly and looked over to Alphys with begging eyes. She sighed and waddled over, her little hands slipped away from Frisks ears.

She gently wriggled her way in between you both, sort of pushed Sans away with her bum so she could properly examine the wound, you had to bend down a bit for the dinosaur to inspect it. "You ca-can't r-really do an-anything about it. I-I mean I could stitch it, b-b-but I'm s-sure that it will h-heal just fine without..." She said quietly than looked away, awkwardly puffing out her cheeks.

"Just keep the sleeve on it you idiot!" Undyne cackled out, finding the whole situation very amusing. You frowned "and how will I push you?"

Alphys spoke up "D-Don't worry, we'll be there shortly."

You rolled your e/c eyes and walked to the bed "alright then let's go." You muttered bitterly. Everyone figured it was high time to keep going anyway, but nobody spoke. The tense air around you had the feel of irritation in it so no one spoke which kept everyone in an uncomfortable silence. Everything seemed to bother you at the moment, and the repeating sound of gravel being crunched under feet had gotten old a long time ago, but when you looked down you realized that it wasn't rocks you had been steeping on and instead this time it was just thousands of dead spiders, and your blood kept dripping from your stinging lip onto their little corpses, reminding you to put the sleeve in your mouth. But you didn't even care, you were too mad to care, but in all honesty, you weren't sure why you were so angry with the money milking spider, usually when you and Ike ran into a bitch on the surface you would just brush them off, so you came to the conclusion that it was hard for you to cope with things you could without Ike since you would never see him again.

That thought made you feel almost sick as a tidal wave of dread washed over you. But that reasoning was a bit off. You met Froggit when you believed Ike was totally dead, before you started seeing him in your dreams or near death experiences, and the frog monster didn't make you this mad so quickly, but when Muffet says something that could've been unintentionally rude or totally meant to be rude but was pretty low key about, you go fucking bonkers!

It seems that the only difference between the two situations was Sans...

Oh crap...

You hesitantly looked over at Sans.

It was because she and Sans had that little flirty flirt time going on.


You internally screamed while thoughts dashed through your mind, you were jealous without noticing! And when she put her hands on him was the time you most regretted not slapping the web outta her! How you did not see that jealousy coming was beyond your knowledge.

You sighed drearily and paced your steps along with everyone else's with your head down in an almost defeated way until you felt a gentle nudge on your side, you looked over to Sans who smiled then gestured his head forward while whispering in his rough voice "we're here."

Your eyes widened and you perked up and looked forward only to see a... purple? Building?

You couldn't quite decipher the exact colour from all the light pouting out of the windows and large glass door and along with a red carpet, on the right there was a red arrow that looked spray painted on, you took note of that in case boredom was ever to befall you. Right above the doors had was appeared to be a sign that read 'MTT' along with that strange calculator you had seen before in Alphys' lab on a poster, but did it have wings on the poster?

You thought for a moment then shook your head, you had recalled that it didn't, but the sign said otherwise. You figured it wasn't all that bid of a deal, and as you got closer to the doors the sound of music and chatting was happening inside and the smell of fast food (with an unusual twist to it) wafted towards you. Frisk started to get a bit jumpy as well.

It made you feel a little existed that there would be food. A strong possibility of a meal!

Alphys pressed her hand on the door and pushed it open letting the party make their way in.

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now