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A light cough caught your attention, pulling your eyes from the frog-like monster only to land on the ketchup sented skeleton Sans. You pulled Ike's toque out of your face when froggit pushed it over your eyes.

"Heh, sorry to ruin this little moment" his permanent smile hid a bit of amusement behind it. Froggit took this opportunity in a heartbeat and jumped out of your loosened hold "No! Thank you!" he said glaring at you as he hopped towards Sans.

Sans laughed "Causing Hoppy some grief are we?"

Froggits glare went to Sans, he was about to say something but you beat him to it "Well, I'm his only friend, so it's almost an obligation!" you shot back with a tormenting grin directed at poor little Froggit.

"I'll have you know I have plenty of friends!"

Sans was chuckling pretty hard now "Jerry?"

Froggit rolled his eyes and started to hop out of the room"Hell no! He makes me want to kill!" he was just about to leave until you called out to him‎ "But Froggit! Surely he can't be that bad!" you yelled frantically. He stopped in him tracks and turned to you over his slimy shoulder "Oh yeah? How would YOU know?"

You shrugged with a smirk threatening to show "well, you're a frog, so would eat what Bugs you‎!" Froggits eyes intensified at you, still keeping the angry frown. "That was probably the worst joke I've ever heard." he growled

Sans calmed his laughter and piped up "Well, it was okay, but I wasn't RIBBITTING!"

The poor monster looked as though he was going to burst. He quickly exited the room, leaving an almost visible trail of anger behind him.

You and Sans laughed as you watched Froggit walk out without saying anything else to either of you disappointments.

"Oh man! That poor guy!" Sans managed to choke out through the stream of laughs and giggles pouring out of his mouth. You waved your hand around "Nah, he'll be okay!" you said with a wide and true smile.

"So." Sans said with a happy and sort of pitying smile "how's the new foot?" he asked pointing a white and worn down bone finger towards your artificial foot and stepped into the room a bit more.

You shrugged "I dunno, like I told Froggit, I haven't tried it out yet. But I feel pretty badass with it."

Sans grin turned a life lopsided as his right eye looked a bit bigger, like there would be an eyebrow there that's lifting itself up. "You... are surprisingly okay with this."

You sighed "to be honest... I'm screaming on the inside, but I don't really have the energy to show unhappiness towards it." you said, staring at your metallic foot.

Sans look became a bit more amused "So what you're saying is you're just too lazy to be angry, so you're just cool with it now?"

The smile on your face slipped away and you faced Sans "Basically..." your e/c eyes went back to your foot "But I think it's growing on me-" Sans bit back his want to make a joke. "-the more I look at it, the more okay I am."‎

"Well, you should give it a spin." Sans suggested. To looked at him a bit surprised "Right now?" you said with an almost squeak. The skeleton shrugged "No time like the present."

"Huh... well... I guess you're right. I'm gonna have to use it anyway." you swung your legs off the side of the parked rolling bed "May as well get it ov-" you shut your mouth also instantaneously when you noticed your bare legs, flashing all the skin on them, you had no pants on at all. There was zero pants... this is a problem...‎

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