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You watched as Sans sat down on a big chair that looked a bit too overstuffed for its own good. You even winced when he sat on it, almost scared it would pop like a balloon. Even with all this pumped up music you knew he wouldn't budge.

So, you come here often?

Fuck off

You weren't in the mood for Chara's shenanigans, you were too focused on the skeleton who sat all alone, in a suits coat even. It was strange to see him in formal attire even in the slightest, but it looked pretty sharp, if it weren't for the slippers and shorts. A little giggle escaped you as you kept your dance going.

Crushin' on the Comedian?

"For a someone with a metal foot you move quite nimbly." Mettaton said with a sly grin on his handsome face, his voice pulled you out of your curious trance and you smile with a shrug "It isn't all that different, to be honest the only thing that ever messes me up is not actually feeling it as much as I used too, Alphys did put in some sort of sensor thing so I can feel a little."

Mettaton frowned a bit "Really?" You nodded happily. The robot looked a bit confused and surprised as he puckered his lips in a pondering manner, he looked side to side then back to you "Mind if I have a look?" You shook your head, and he smiled in response.

Hey, yoooo!! Hello?

You almost burst out laughing, in fact you did a little until you smacked a hand over your mouth and let your eyes skim the monsters around to see if anyone was looking.

Because Mettaton did not stop dancing when he crouched down to your leg, he put out both his hands and 'popped-that-booty' and when he was down there he started to twerk with an amused look on his face when he did hear your laugh.

"Hmm..." He hummed as he kept inspecting your leg.

Laughter was filling you up and you felt as though you were going to burst "well, your legs tech is old school, no wonder you can't feel anything."

You weren't sure, whether it was because he talked so casually or if it was because he didn't stop twerking when he was talking but you let out an obnoxious snort and you let your laughing pour out.

Did you just snort?

Mettaton grinned triumphantly at your laugh "Something funny?" He inquired while he popped his booty once more and stood up. You slowed your laugh and cleared your throat "Erm... Nope... Nothing at all." You said with a faulty poker face. His eyebrow rose up. "Is it my dance moves?" He asked and spun then placed both hands on his hips and did a smooth body roll.

"Don't worry Hun, you'll get used to it eventually."

You giggled and shook your head "I don't think I can ever get used to that." You spoke while gesturing to his body movements. Confusion washed over him but then he realized what you thought he had meant and his expression softened to a small smile and a few chuckles left him. "Oh no I mean the leg, and trust me, it will be a lot easier than trying to get used to a metal body." He ran his hands up his metal figure and then into the air "and trust me--" he let his hand fall down onto your hips "--once you master it, it can be a lot of fun." His smile turned from innocent and platonic to sly and intimate quicker than ice to water in a microwave as he pulled your hips closer to his and moved in sync with them.

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now