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This doodle is for you guys in chapter 5.

It's sort of a happy thing for you guys since we have some bad news at the end of this chapter.


You looked to Grillby and smiled a little, a bit of fear nipped at your soul but you hid it well, since (as said before) you were so good at hiding your emotions when you wanted to. Undyne had her guards divide all of the monsters into 3 sections.

Long ranged combat, Advantage practices aka magic and Hand to hand combat.

You and Grillby were in the same section, along with Froggit, but that was only because he was safely tucked in your back pack. Your division was first for Advantage practices.

You weren't exactly excited for this one since magic wasn't something you had willy nilly. So instead of letting Chara take over in this incredibly populated area that consists of on edge monsters with weapons, you watched Grillby working on his aim to roast some targets.

About an hour passed with that and you ended up just learning how many times you could kick a rock with your metal foot before it got a dent in it.

You gave Grillby a quick high five, as to not have too much skin touching him for too long. Next was hand to hand combat "We're gonna kick some ass!" You said with a smile and a tinge of spite.


You clapped and cheered as Grillby was called to one of the fighting circles, he didn't have much time to prepare because as soon as everyone heard his name they pushed him quickly through to the middle of the small clearing. In fact they were pushing so hard all he really had to do was lean back a little and use absolutely no effort at all.

As Grillby was shoved in he stumbled slightly, but quickly regained his balance and stood straight up with his impeccable posture, straightening out his black tie.

He looked around confused, trying to figure out who he was going to fight. Turns out he was facing off against a dog. Grillby adjusted his glasses to make sure he wasn't seeing things, and once he was sure it was a little sleeping dog his flamey face contorted in suppressed laughter. He slapped a hand over his nonexistent mouth and chuckled as quietly as possible.

You threw your hand in the air supportively "Yeah!! GO GRILLBY!!" Froggit who sat on your shoulder winced slightly at your loud voice and only stared, clearly uninterested in the fight about to take place.

He turned to you and you then pointed at the little white dog as if it was a joke. You just shrugged along with him, smiling amused until you noticed a shadow looming over the flame man. Uneasily you looked passed him at the dog which was sleeping a moment ago but now equipped with a large, daunting suit of metal armour. You gaped at it, you had seen it from across a room when you were staying at Grillbys, but it looked a lot more menacing up close and ready for a fight.

The dogs beady eyes seemed to look more sinister, even if they were looking opposite directions.

Froggits eyes widened as he sat up and stared at what Grillby had to fight. An interested smile crept onto his face.

Grillby still hadn't noticed it yet, but saw your expression and frowned, clearly confused. Undyne walked briskly past the fighting circle and yelled "Fight!"

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